Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Blood

New Blood

     I had the privilege of hearing a young man from Las Cruces by the name of David Clements speak at a rather large gathering of concerned Sierra County Citizens on Monday .  It was refreshing to see so many folks interested in hearing what Mr. Clements, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, had to say.

     I liked his reference point, the Constitution of the United States, which many of our politicians swear to uphold but probably have not studied or even read it from cover to cover. (They tend to not read important things, like the Obamacare Health Bill, but they should!)  The Constitution is a short read and is PACKED with common sense logic to guide our nation into the future; applause for Mr. Clements for using the Constitution as a guide and compass.

     Mr. Clements has conservative values which I think our country greatly needs.  It seems we are in a ‘progressive’ freefall of anything goes.  Standards, morals, and ethics that guide our leaders’ decision making and their lifestyles are ‘loose’.   Frankly this ‘fundamental transformation of America’, this journey from the middle ground to the far left in politics and government, scares the heck out me.  One only needs to have watched how Obamacare deceptively got pushed through all the branches of government, how promises were made and not kept, and how the cost of this mad progressive social experiment is hurting  Americans.

         Leadership matters!  Let’s educate ourselves this election cycle on the candidates.  What are their values and what will they use to guide their leadership decisions?  Let’s voice our convictions with our vote this November after we have thoroughly evaluated the person’s resume and voting record.  Ultimately, America is OUR responsibility. 

     Mr. Clements said several times he is applying for this Senate  job and we would be his boss.  It is evident he desires to serve and not be served.  America needs a service-minded transfusion of new blood.   With a sincerity to serve, a passion for common sense, and a commitment to the Constitution, we can improve our future and the future prospects of our children.

Mario diGesu                                                Truth or Consequences    NM                                   1.22.2014