Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cap and Trade

                                                             Cap and Trade
     One of the first of many failed policies of President Obama and his New Democrat Party was Cap and Trade.   It passed the Democrat house but stalled and died in the Democrat senate.  Instead of focusing on getting the economy back on track in 2008, they focused on Cap and Trade, an un-stimulating Stimulus, and an unaffordable failing Healthcare Act.
      Cap and Trade is basically a government takeover of companies by regulating their carbon emissions.  Companies produce a ‘carbon footprint’ and the bigger the footprint the more they would have to pay to operate.  Supposedly, this would reduce pollution and create revenue that our rulers would eventually let trickle back down to us….yeah right!  Even Obama said an inconvenient truth, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket!”
       How the Democrats didn’t ram Cap and Trade through when they controlled the Senate and the House is a political miracle for freedom loving Americans!  Liberal emotionally loaded names like ‘save the planet’, ‘global warming’, and ‘income inequality’ were employed to soften our hearts but the intent was to control and step all over us with their big government boot.  Frankly, I am tired of seeing the Constitution and middleclass Americans trampled underfoot.
        As a concerned citizen of the United States, I would like to put forward my own Cap and Trade  Plan;  come November 2014 every freedom loving American be registered to vote and bring two other registered freedom loving Americans with you to the polls aiming to clean up the political pollution in D.C..   We can CAP Obama’s ability to pass more harmful laws his last two years by TRADING those that voted in lockstep for these failed policies.  With new freedom loving Americans representing us, we can walk the walk and not the plank!  
     In closing, I think the footprint that really matters to most of us right now is the one on each of these rascals’ behinds as they pack their bags and head out of Washington come November!
Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                            2.12.14