Thursday, August 21, 2014

Missouri Loves Company?

                                                      Missouri Loves Company?

      As we approach another election, oddly we have another Occupy Wall Street-like situation. The Occupy Wall Street anarchy was a well timed, well funded, and well organized protest by the progressive Left to shift media conversation from Obama’s failed policies from 2008 to 2012 to the evil 1% Wall Street minority that were somehow responsible for America’s woes. Their protest rhetoric implied wealthy white people needed to redistribute their ill got gains for the purpose of social justice. Oddly, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was a rich white businessman affiliated with Wall Street. Their negative attack ads and their war of occupation were very effective; they smeared a rather nice guy with an impeccable family and business record and won an election.

     Now we had an event in Ferguson, Missouri, where a large 18 year old who had just robbed a store was confronted by police and was subsequently shot and killed. It just so happened the youth was black and the officer white or the story might not have even made it past the Missouri state news.

     The same bad behavior we saw in Occupy Wall Street is evident now; lawlessness, looting, and violent protests. Left wing organizer rebel-rousers like Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have joined the fray as if Missouri loves their company. With these same talking heads at the lead, it seems we’ve made absolutely no progress since the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement to now as these racial tensions are inflamed.

     All Americans should keep their eye on the election golf ball! Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama have now weighed in with the full force of the federal government. Instead of intervening as unbiased American leadership, they’re intervening as empathetic black men that fully understand the plight of those that simply got caught in the web of an unfair, discriminatory, and repressive homeland. What a perfectly timed war on America!

       America is not perfect but she has prided herself on a motto of ‘Liberty and Justice for All’ and with those come responsibility and accountability; transform that and America is lost.

Mario diGesu              @teapartypassion                Truth or Consequences NM                   8.20.14

Thursday, August 7, 2014