Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!! : )

Two very special people in my life! It would get very old hearing Dad repeat stories but what I would do now to hear one more! So, this Father's Day, celebrate the life of your Dad, good, bad, or in between. Cherish and enjoy the days you have with them because you never know when the day will come that you can't just call up or go visit. Miss you Dad! Happy Father's Day : )

Friday, June 19, 2015

AFP Summit 2015 Preview

I have gone the last couple of years and really enjoyed the speakers and programs.  50$ for two days of conference is a great deal.
Dr. Ben Carson​  Senator Ted Cruz​ Marco Rubio Rick Perry​ Carly Fiorina are just a handful of the speakers.  Go if you can!  : )