Thursday, August 22, 2013

'How do you like them Coconuts!'......................................................................@teapartypassion....................................semioriginal song "17 Trillion" @!!-single/id636938802

                                                        How do you like them Coconuts! 

     My last letter drew some praise, ire, and even some fire; it evidently struck a nerve.  The Editor of the Herald even changed my title from ‘Cornucopia’ to ‘Welfare Recipients’ and put an exhausting leftist letter after mine which inspired a ‘nap’.  The fact is the food stamp program, known as SNAP, has exponentially blossomed under Obama and is costing humble, some indignant,  American taxpayers billions of dollars.   Albeit my contribution is miniscule, per one reader, the money is not falling out of coconut trees; someone is paying for it!

      Some took offense that I described the young Latino couple at the store making a rather large yummy SNAP purchase.  I was accused of racially profiling and passing judgment.  Although my letter could have stood on its own without mentioning race, I was describing what I saw and questioning aloud what most folk are just thinking.  I guess I need some sensitivity training.  

     Some want to make this about racial profiling, my greed, and lack of compassion.  It is more about right and wrong, about values and ethics.  It is about not accepting handouts forever, but becoming independent American  Americans.  It is about not taking advantage of your fellow Americans.  When we start cloaking the truth in political and social correctness, we won’t be able to fix the problems we face nor contain an obese food stamp program that doubled under Obama. 


     My indignation is that this country is going into debt for nonessential wants.  My indignation is that most of us think carefully about our food purchases while others swipe a SNAP card for steaks and a coconut on our dime.  I bemoan the lack of accountability that will eventually bring this country down.   I bemoan that we will perish for lack of knowledge, awareness, and ACTION.    Shame on me for drawing attention to what I saw?  No, shame on those that take advantage.  And shame on us if we close our eyes and do not speak up when we see something that is wrong whether those involved be Red or Yellow, Black or White, and, yes, even Brown!


Mario diGesu                                           Truth or Consequences                                 8.18.13


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Cornucopia"................................................. @teapartypassion .............................................semioriginal itune tune "17 Trillion":


     Ever get stuck in a slow checkout  line at Walmart?  No fun!  But I did have an opportunity to observe a young Hispanic/latino couple with an infant in front of me.
     Their basket was full to the brim, almost flowing over.  The food looked delicious;  a wide variety of products,  some for baby, but mostly edibles, even packages of steak.  There was even a coconut!  It reminded me of the images of cornucopia at Thanksgiving, the horn shaped basket brimming with mouthwatering edibles.  I thought to myself, “I am glad I am not paying that bill!” 

     It took a long time for the clerk to make it through all their groceries.  I had 3  humble bananas and 2 small, very small, ears of corn.  I was wishing I had gone to the speedy checkout.  But,  I observed something very interesting.  The young gal pulled out a credit card and gave it a swipe.  But there was a glitch.  The clerk went over the receipt and found that one of the items was being “rejected”.   One of the packages of steak was not accepted by the food stamp debit card. They had to return the package.  But, not too bad, a whole basketful of plenty was magically paid!

     At that moment, I thought about the $1400.00 tax bill I just paid because the IRS was threatening seizure of my property, perhaps my home.  I thought to myself, “There is no magic dummy, you just witnessed a food stamp purchase and, if you consider where your taxes go, you paid for that!”  I wondered if the young couple was employed?  I wondered if they were married or just shacking up and taking advantage of a favored single mother welfare system?  I wondered if they had hopes and dreams of being off food stamps and being productive Americans one day?  I wondered if they were at all grateful that I, a hardworking taxpayer, along with all the other hardworking taxpaying fools, just paid for their cornucopia of groceries? I wondered how great that coconut was going to taste when they opened it!

Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences                                     8.7.13

Saturday, August 3, 2013