Friday, October 31, 2014



     Politics is scary!   And it seems there is a connection between Halloween and Election Day.  Politicians are covering up and coming out in full costume. There is dark, evil music playing in the background while the candidates are demonized.  There are treats and promises paraded before us, usually resulting in a policy or regulation trick we later regret.   And, the

White House, turned haunted house, gobbles up our children’s future, spooks our security, and chains our freedom.  The horror of it all causes our minds to race, our hearts to beat faster, and our stomachs to turn.

     Sadly, it becomes taboo for us to confront the cover ups and trickery head on because someone might be offended by our perspective or voice.  Bringing up politics is frowned upon at our jobs, at church, in our schools, at our business meetings, and even with our neighbors across the road for fear of stepping on toes or having a disagreement.

     Unfortunately, politics is a necessary evil.  In place of a king or queen, a dictator or a czar, we in America have a political system where citizens reach into a competition bag and pull out politicians each election cycle.  It is almost as predictable as bobbing for apples but it is self-governance!  We the people are ultimately responsible each election to engage each other and voice our opinions and values through our vote or risk losing freedom and liberty.

     So, no more silence of the lambs!  Break a few taboos and don’t fear to face off with those who might not care to know you care; get a little scary.  In a kind and diplomatic way, discuss the issues facing our Country.  We are not interested in a blame game or conflict but dialogue and solutions.  We know illegal aliens, dead people, and zombie-like voters find a way to vote so those of us who are alive and care about our future need to flock to the polls in greater numbers.  I believe legitimate voters driven by commonsense and positive communication instead of political correctness and silence can break the spell that has bewitched, demonized, and bound America.

Song 'I Love America!'

Mario diGesu                                      Truth or Consequences, NM                         10.31.14

Friday, October 17, 2014

No Excuses!.........................................................@teapartypassion..............................................................................Song 'I Love America!' ......................... Song '17 Trillion'

    No Excuses!

     I forgot.  I had to work.  The line was too long.   I did not register.
I didn’t know I could vote early.  I can’t afford an I.D. or transportation
to get me to the Motor Vehicle Department.  I don’t like the candidates.  I
don’t care.
     These are some of the common excuses we hear from Americans that are
not voting.  As a hardworking, taxpaying, community serving American, I am
embarrassed that there are still people in our country that are not educated
in the process of voting and on the history and voting records of the
candidates.  I am embarrassed that I waited until my thirties to vote and
get involved!
     We get the government we vote for.  If you like it, vote in the same
candidates or stay at home.  If you don’t like it, make the effort to vote
and possibly change things for the better.
     Our County Clerk’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. for early voting.  They are even open during lunch!  You can
vote absentee.   They have voter guides in Spanish and English.  You can go
online to and download a sample ballot that has all of
the candidates, bond questions, and Constitutional amendments or you can ask
for a sample ballot at their office.   By getting the sample ballot ahead of
time, you can prepare yourself so you vote for what you really want and are
not rushed to read through the fine print and fill out a party bubble.
     So, NO EXCUSES!  Well, there is one good excuse for not voting; you
have not taken the time to educate yourself on the issues and the
candidates.  Any elementary student can fill out ballot bubbles next to an
American flag or
eagle.  It takes an aware, caring, concerned American citizen to take the
time to affect policy and leadership in America.
      One of our many blessings in the United States, designed by our
founding Fathers and Mothers and secured by our veterans,  is the right to
vote.  As they say with things you love and want to keep working, healthy,
and strong, use it or lose it!

Mario diGesu                     Truth or Consequences NM                               10.15.14

Monday, October 6, 2014

All Aboard!......................................................................................@teapartypassion

                                     All Aboard!

     When I hear the word platform I think about a train station where all the people gather just before they step onto the train that will take them on a journey.  Most of the people have a final destination in mind although there are always those that are just going along for the ride.  But, the platform is that secure place that allows travelers to double check where they are going just before they get rolling.

     Likewise, a political platform is that firm foundation that a political party has agreed to at its yearly convention.  It contains specific key principles and core values that are designed in a committee and then agreed on at a state convention by the delegates.  These key principles and core values then become 'tierra firma' for that political party which allows voters to know what platform they will be standing on before the political train takes off on the journey that will affect their livelihoods and their future.

     I attended the Republican Convention this year as a delegate and I was very impressed with the New Mexico Republican Platform.  May I suggest you google it right now, as well as the New Mexico Democrat Platform, and then compare the two.  Which platform do you believe contains specific principles and core values that will bring New Mexicans stability, security, and success? If each state adopts those specific principles and core values, and votes in politicians who are held to account, do you think America might get back on track?

     So, which foundation will you choose on Election Day?  When the newly elected politicians holler, “All aboard!”,  I think we all want to know that we are on the right platform heading in the right direction toward a prosperous future for our families, our fellow Citizens, and the United States of America.  Know your State's Party Platform and vote wisely!

         Mario diGesu                      Truth or Consequences, NM                                       10.6.14