Friday, October 17, 2014

No Excuses!.........................................................@teapartypassion..............................................................................Song 'I Love America!' ......................... Song '17 Trillion'

    No Excuses!

     I forgot.  I had to work.  The line was too long.   I did not register.
I didn’t know I could vote early.  I can’t afford an I.D. or transportation
to get me to the Motor Vehicle Department.  I don’t like the candidates.  I
don’t care.
     These are some of the common excuses we hear from Americans that are
not voting.  As a hardworking, taxpaying, community serving American, I am
embarrassed that there are still people in our country that are not educated
in the process of voting and on the history and voting records of the
candidates.  I am embarrassed that I waited until my thirties to vote and
get involved!
     We get the government we vote for.  If you like it, vote in the same
candidates or stay at home.  If you don’t like it, make the effort to vote
and possibly change things for the better.
     Our County Clerk’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. for early voting.  They are even open during lunch!  You can
vote absentee.   They have voter guides in Spanish and English.  You can go
online to and download a sample ballot that has all of
the candidates, bond questions, and Constitutional amendments or you can ask
for a sample ballot at their office.   By getting the sample ballot ahead of
time, you can prepare yourself so you vote for what you really want and are
not rushed to read through the fine print and fill out a party bubble.
     So, NO EXCUSES!  Well, there is one good excuse for not voting; you
have not taken the time to educate yourself on the issues and the
candidates.  Any elementary student can fill out ballot bubbles next to an
American flag or
eagle.  It takes an aware, caring, concerned American citizen to take the
time to affect policy and leadership in America.
      One of our many blessings in the United States, designed by our
founding Fathers and Mothers and secured by our veterans,  is the right to
vote.  As they say with things you love and want to keep working, healthy,
and strong, use it or lose it!

Mario diGesu                     Truth or Consequences NM                               10.15.14

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