Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welfare Gone Wild ! @teapartypassion ................................................... google 'song 17 trillion by Mario diGesu'

Welfare Gone Wild!

     Did you ever watch ‘Women Gone Wild’?  No?  Good, apart from unashamed excess and compromised values, this has nothing to do with it!  And this is not about a war on women either; my mom is a woman!  And she would put me in my place if I declared war!  This is about the unashamed excess and willful abuse of social welfare programs like food stamps that have gone wild under President Obama.  This is about overflowing food baskets, coconuts, steaks, lobster and sushi at the taxpayer expense.

     Food stamps, now the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), should be re-named and re-regulated as ENAP; Essential Nutrition Assistance Program.   Instead, SNAP went from 25 billion dollars under President Bush to 47 billion under Obama.  On July 12, 2012,  four months before the election,  with the ‘snap’ of his finger, Obama issued an executive order gutting the welfare reforms accomplished by Clinton and the Republican Congress.   Perhaps one can buy more than coconuts with food stamps!

   Social welfare program expansion, like SNAP, is the liberal progressive march towards socialism; a hop, skip, and jump away from communism where government expansion means power!  So what is so bad about communism?  Obama was raised and mentored by communist and he is a cool guy.  He even became the president of the greatest nation on earth!  My point; government expansion means power! And the people liked Obama so much they reelected him!  My point; government expansion means power!  And he really cares about the suffering and hungry children!  No, he cares about acquiring power by government expansion!

     Instead of welfare and government gone wild, I would like to see freedom go wild!  Freedom to innovate, freedom to create, freedom to not be over-regulated to the Nth degree, and freedom to not be burdened with a job killing healthcare mandate and high taxes that are creating uncertainty for employers!    Government needs to get out of the pantries and off the backs of the American job creators and let everyone be prosperous once again!  Prosperity, self-reliance, work ethics, faith, and freedom will ultimately put food back on the table, not the government!

Mario diGesu                                                   Truth or Consequences                                                  9.1.13

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