Tuesday, September 24, 2013

di Gesu’

     I just received my first piece of hate mail and the author of the letter had my last name in bold and highlighted as above.  Why?  My best guess is that my last name means ‘of Jesus’ in Sicilian and they were trying to send the message that my recent letters to the editor were racist, unchristian, and that I had failed the expectations of my last name. 

     I don’t view their discouragement, hate, and opinions as bad.  Hello, this is America! I do see them as a badge of honor.  I have been a Christian since my early teens and my common core is Christianity and its life changing, life giving message.  My last name is a badge of honor and I am glad it is there for all to see.

     Jesus did not take much guff from the religious and political peers of His day.  The Pharisees, Sadducees, and immoral Roman leadership of His time were no match for His wisdom and insight into humanity.  He spoke truth as He saw it and was not always gentle, meek, and mild.  He did not candy coat His message of God’s plan for man.  He spoke out against the dangerous practices of the culture of His day.

     Now, believe me, I am no Jesus!  I may not be the most diplomatic and eloquent writer, but, as my America is demoralized and fundamentally changed before my eyes, as it moves from a Christian culture to a relative immoral progressive secular culture, I will not be quiet and I will not back down!

     It is time for all Christians (Hello Church!) to unite and not only hold the ultimate red line that Jesus gave His life for but to push back and reclaim the family, life, and culture that has been trampled on by folks that do not care about the end but only the means, their pursuit of self.  Our calling is not to be meek and mild bystanders in life.  Our calling is to stand up for Jesus and our mission is to share His message, the whole message, with all of humanity.  As we answer the call,  He does not entitle us, He empowers us!

Mario diGesu                                                 Truth or Consequences                                                  9.24.13

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