Monday, October 28, 2013

Trick or Treat? ............................................................. @teapartypassion

Trick or Treat?

     Happy Halloween!  How appropriate that the Obama Care roll out in October is such a nightmare.  Socialism, in any of its forms, sounds good in theory and on the campaign trail, but the reality is rather scary.

     President Obama appealed to the majority of Americans with a nicely carved pumpkin called the Affordable Healthcare Act.  What reasonable American does not want affordable healthcare?

It certainly looked good on the outside with the warm glow of hope inside.  But, we are finding out, it is hollow!  The promises are empty.  It was a socialist ploy to appeal to our needs but eventually leave us enslaved and wanting.   

     All the goodies were forthcoming; millions of Americans reached into the campaign promise bag and pulled out sugary insurance for children up to age 26, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and preventive services like contraception (forget the exercise programs!).  Thirty million uninsured could reach in and endlessly pull out free healthcare.   No one realized that someone actually had to pay for the goodies in the bag.  Guess what American middleclass voter, that be you!

     Premiums and co-pays are skyrocketing!  Coverage is being dropped because not even the insurance companies can afford to pay for the endless bag of goodies!  With dropped coverage, we may not have our doctors!   In addition, the demonized doctors may be hanging up their stethoscopes in frustration having to deal with uncertain payments and more government regulations.

     The ghosts and goblins that wreak havoc on America’s working middle class vanish after the damage is done.  They do not take the blame.  They are not held accountable.  They point their crooked fingers at everyone else and then disappear into the darkness….laughing.

     Speaking of ghosts, I recently read an Op-Ed by Wayne Allyn Root called ‘The Ghost of Columbia University.’  He graduated the same year from Columbia Law School as
Barak Hussein Obama.  He, nor any of his classmates, remember the now famous President Obama and college records are sealed like a tomb!  Now that is spooky! 
     America, think trick the next time the non-transparent ghost of the White House says he has some treats!  


Mario diGesu          @teapartypassion    Truth or Consequences           NM                10.27.13

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST CONTINUED…........................................ .....@teapartypassion

     Let’s see, where were we, oh yeah, we were on test number three:  Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 
    First, when government shuts down because one of its branches and its citizens did not perceive goodwill and better friendship there is a problem.   Obama and most Democrats feel they won the election, they are the majority, they rule; that is democracy.   But, believe it or not, on this issue we currently have a functioning Republic as prescribed by our Constitution where the minority has representation in the legislative process which maintains a balance of power with the other branches.   Goodwill can be reestablished as the branches work together for the benefit of ALL Americans.  And, we tend to befriend and work better with nice people, not overbearing bullies!
     Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  With Obamacare, the uninsured are definitely getting a good deal; subsidized is great and free is awesome!   But, the rest of us are seeing our old plans being dropped by our insurance companies and new plans being offered at higher premiums and co-pays to offset the free care for the uninsured.  This is hardly beneficial to all concerned.
     So, does Obamacare pass the FOUR WAY TEST?  My perspective is that it deserves a failing grade.  It makes perfect sense that we see it failing before our eyes in its implementation.  It was ill conceived and is in clear violation of Constitutional and American values of freedom and fair taxation with representation.   
     The real kicker is that some are cheating on the test!  Who wouldn’t want something as wonderful as Obamacare?  The originators and enforcers of this law have exempted themselves and privileged others from this most excellent healthcare law.  Why?  Might  it affect their health?  Their freedom to choose?  Their wallet?  Their political future?  Their life expectancy? 
      This law is not for the mutual benefit of all Americans.  It is for the Democrat controlled government to gain control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy, solidify their voting base as it adds 48 million uninsured voters, and exempt themselves from its consequences. 

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                                10.9.13

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST.............................................................@teapartypassion


     There is an ethical challenge called THE FOUR WAY TEST:  1)  Is it the Truth?  2)  Is it fair to all concerned?  3)  Will it build good will and better friendships? 4)  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  It is sort of a sniff test for things that come our way in life and, in turn, a good challenge for us in how we treat others.  Does Obama Care pass THE FOUR WAY TEST?

      Has Obama Care’s origination and implementation been truthful?  It originated with a lot of D.C back door wheeling and dealing.   Some elected officials lost their positions in 2010 because folks like the TEA Party were outraged at the corruption.  It was called a fine because we were campaign pinky promised by President Obama that our taxes would not go up.  But, as the case rose to the level of the Supreme Court, we found out three years later it was a tax hiding in ‘fine’ clothing!  Justice Roberts, casting the final vote in favor of Obama Care, tried to teach Americans a life lesson by stating, “Elections have consequences.”  And, its implementation has been plagued with more back room waver deals for politicians, unions, and big business.

     Is it fair to all concerned?   Most would think healthcare for all sounds fair; what evil person would not want that?  So, with a two thousand page bill and thousands more pages of regulation written on the fly, our democrat controlled government imposed their utopian concept of healthcare on millions of Americans who were already responsible enough to have their own.  One Republican Congressman and one Republican Senator voted for Obama Care so it was not fair bipartisanship.  In addition, they asked those millions of responsible insured Americans to pay for the 35 million uninsured.    Redistribution is not fair when you are forced to take your hard earned dollar out of your pocket and share it with others that may not be contributing their fair share.  It sounds mean but the issue is fairness.

     Two more tests to go.  To be continued.

Mario diGesu                                          Truth or Consequences                                                    10.2.13