Wednesday, October 2, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST.............................................................@teapartypassion


     There is an ethical challenge called THE FOUR WAY TEST:  1)  Is it the Truth?  2)  Is it fair to all concerned?  3)  Will it build good will and better friendships? 4)  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  It is sort of a sniff test for things that come our way in life and, in turn, a good challenge for us in how we treat others.  Does Obama Care pass THE FOUR WAY TEST?

      Has Obama Care’s origination and implementation been truthful?  It originated with a lot of D.C back door wheeling and dealing.   Some elected officials lost their positions in 2010 because folks like the TEA Party were outraged at the corruption.  It was called a fine because we were campaign pinky promised by President Obama that our taxes would not go up.  But, as the case rose to the level of the Supreme Court, we found out three years later it was a tax hiding in ‘fine’ clothing!  Justice Roberts, casting the final vote in favor of Obama Care, tried to teach Americans a life lesson by stating, “Elections have consequences.”  And, its implementation has been plagued with more back room waver deals for politicians, unions, and big business.

     Is it fair to all concerned?   Most would think healthcare for all sounds fair; what evil person would not want that?  So, with a two thousand page bill and thousands more pages of regulation written on the fly, our democrat controlled government imposed their utopian concept of healthcare on millions of Americans who were already responsible enough to have their own.  One Republican Congressman and one Republican Senator voted for Obama Care so it was not fair bipartisanship.  In addition, they asked those millions of responsible insured Americans to pay for the 35 million uninsured.    Redistribution is not fair when you are forced to take your hard earned dollar out of your pocket and share it with others that may not be contributing their fair share.  It sounds mean but the issue is fairness.

     Two more tests to go.  To be continued.

Mario diGesu                                          Truth or Consequences                                                    10.2.13


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