Wednesday, October 9, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST CONTINUED…........................................ .....@teapartypassion

     Let’s see, where were we, oh yeah, we were on test number three:  Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 
    First, when government shuts down because one of its branches and its citizens did not perceive goodwill and better friendship there is a problem.   Obama and most Democrats feel they won the election, they are the majority, they rule; that is democracy.   But, believe it or not, on this issue we currently have a functioning Republic as prescribed by our Constitution where the minority has representation in the legislative process which maintains a balance of power with the other branches.   Goodwill can be reestablished as the branches work together for the benefit of ALL Americans.  And, we tend to befriend and work better with nice people, not overbearing bullies!
     Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  With Obamacare, the uninsured are definitely getting a good deal; subsidized is great and free is awesome!   But, the rest of us are seeing our old plans being dropped by our insurance companies and new plans being offered at higher premiums and co-pays to offset the free care for the uninsured.  This is hardly beneficial to all concerned.
     So, does Obamacare pass the FOUR WAY TEST?  My perspective is that it deserves a failing grade.  It makes perfect sense that we see it failing before our eyes in its implementation.  It was ill conceived and is in clear violation of Constitutional and American values of freedom and fair taxation with representation.   
     The real kicker is that some are cheating on the test!  Who wouldn’t want something as wonderful as Obamacare?  The originators and enforcers of this law have exempted themselves and privileged others from this most excellent healthcare law.  Why?  Might  it affect their health?  Their freedom to choose?  Their wallet?  Their political future?  Their life expectancy? 
      This law is not for the mutual benefit of all Americans.  It is for the Democrat controlled government to gain control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy, solidify their voting base as it adds 48 million uninsured voters, and exempt themselves from its consequences. 

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                                10.9.13

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