Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lip Service @teapartypassion

                                                                       Lip Service

          We have heard since we where children that actions speak louder than words.  When our words over take our actions, which frequently happens with politicians, we call this lip service.
     As we recognize and honor our veterans on Veteran’s Day, we know men and women whose actions spoke louder than words with their dedication and commitment in service to America.  Some have made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives willingly for their fellow Americans so that Freedom would prevail.
  Last year in Benghazi, Libya, four brave Americans made that sacrifice for Freedom.  As other brave and selfless Americans were ready to rush into harm’s way and come to their rescue, a stand down order from above was mysteriously given.  In a rather long battle with no assistance, the Benghazi consulate was eventually over-run by Al Qaeda linked militants and four Americans were killed.   President Obama swore then to bring the perpetrators to justice, yet they still roam free.

     A few weeks ago I witnessed something almost as horrific but not in some foreign land.     In Washington D.C., not too far from Obama’s home, veterans were barricaded from seeing open air monuments during the government shutdown.  Many of these veterans had traveled long hours and spent a lot of money to visit the memorials and pay their respect, perhaps for their last time.  Armed riot police in full gear in a show of force were purposefully dispatched to keep  those veterans out.   The  veterans, at great personal risk , many elderly and in wheelchairs, proceeded through the barricades.  
     If there was ever a more appropriate time for a stand down order from the mysterious powers above, it was now!  But, the order never came.  The Commander and Chief could have picked up a phone and said, “Let them in”, but, the order never came.  The Commander and Chief who gave multiple campaign speeches on the value of veterans was silent.  This, my friends, is what we call lip service.

     Tell a veteran today that you value their service and, more importantly, live a life of gratitude, appreciation, and action.

Mario diGesu                                        Truth or Consequences    NM                          November 6, 2013




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