Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD. @teapartypassion

Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD.

     As President Obama tirelessly attended his west coast democrat fundraisers for up to $32,000.00 a plate, responsible middleclass Americans like me lost their promised healthcare coverage.   Over 5 million Americans have been radically affected by the supposed unintended consequences that Obamacare has imposed.  Obama said his sorry to us poor folk who have received notices after he promised we could keep our health coverage and doctors, PERIOD.  But, an apology just doesn’t seem quite sufficient for someone interjecting themselves into my healthcare needs, promising to make it better, taking away my choice, and making it is worse.

     Why is the government interfering with my decisions that would govern my health?  Surely this president would go out of his way during the 2012 elections touting a false ‘war on women’  to stir up his base and declare women have the right to make decisions that affect their healthcare on every level, even if they choose the destruction of a new life within.  Why should I be any less empowered to make my own healthcare decisions on every level? 

     I am self employed and have a health savings account which I painstakingly researched and finally chose a plan best suited to my needs and finances.  With Obamacare, my choice was disregarded as I received the robocall  and the letter from my insurance company that due to the Affordable Healthcare Act my plan would no longer be offered.  I have to begin the whole process over now because of government interference, which they say is for my benefit because I do not know what is good for my health.  And they do?   

     Obama won the popular vote with less than 5 million votes in 2012.  If his scheme to take away our healthcare choices had been fully revealed that October, the election would have had a different outcome.  We will remember this political trickery by the democrat party  in the 2014 election.  May freedom loving Americans peacefully rise up and say no to this war on our freedom and no to Obamacare with our voice and our vote!  Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD.

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                              11.27.13


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