Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lame Duck Dynasty ........................................... Happy New Year!!!!.......@teapartypassion

Lame Duck Dynasty

     Feathers are flying as we have watched Obama’s dictatorial ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ fall out of the sky after a miserable rollout,  a botched website, rising premiums, rising co-pays, rising deductibles, and hidden taxes.  Americans are finally seeing the true colors of a bill that had to pass before we got to see what was in it!  The President and his Party of Woe are now trying to duck the ever changing ‘law’ that trampled the Constitution to bring socialized medicine to America.

     Just one year into Obama’s second term we see a very bullish lame duck over a dynasty that is appalling to most Americans.  Instead of taking an apologetic,  humble, and bipartisan tone, he continues to defiantly poke his finger in the eye of those opposed to his rule.  It is akin to giving half of America the bird!  If I had just lied to 6 million plus independent middle class Americans about keeping their doctor and health plan, when I knew it wasn’t going to happen, to win an election, I would tone down the rhetoric a notch or two.

     And let us not forget the Obamacare ducklings, the Democrat controlled Senate and House, who waddled behind Obama in lockstep for five years.  They need to be held accountable when the day of reckoning comes and they want our vote.  They will try to camouflage themselves with a vote or two bailing out those American’s who are now suffering or change talking points but, remember, their original votes got us into this mess!

     Concluding, how does one neutralize a lame duck and his dynasty?  We will have to turn off the TV ( no more American idle),  get off the couch, take some of our precious time, and talk to others about the issues.  We need to take action and get involved.  We need to turn our distrust, our angst, our concern for our country into a fireball of human energy and purpose that no progressive politician or occupier will want to stand in the way of us getting our country back on track.  And that, my friends, will be a great start to a new year!

 Mario diGesu          Truth or Consequences              New Mexico             12.31.13



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