Friday, March 7, 2014

Obama’s America

Obama’s America

     Film producer Dinesh D’Souza, a ‘renegade conservative’, was recently indicted for election campaign finance fraud charges.   Is this a coincidence?  He may or may not be guilty.  What is known is that Dinesh D’Souza is a political enemy of President Barrack Hussein Obama because he produced the surprise hit and highest grossing documentary ‘Obama’s America 2016’ that came out just before the 2012 elections.

     D’Souza made three predictions at the end of his movie.  First, he predicted Obama would not do anything significant to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and he hasn’t.  The most recent negotiations have stalled as centrifuges continue to spin.    Russia, an ally of Iran in its nuclear program development and supporter at the United Nations, senses Obama’s weakness.  As we watch Russia waltz into Ukraine with military forces without fear, we have to wonder about the United States diminishing influence on the world stage.

     Second, D’Souza predicted that Obama would spend money like the deficit did not matter and he has.  In fact, every year, Obama has increased the debt by one trillion dollars.  The U.S. debt is now over 17 trillion dollars.  This huge debt is a global redistribution of wealth to other nations, many who are not friends of America.

     Third, D’Souza predicted that Obama would cut defense and increase taxes.  Secretary of State Chuck Hagel just announced the White House plan to severely cut back defense spending. Obama himself is asking for cuts in defense and increases in taxes in his new budget. 

     I would say that is three for three, a trifecta, according to current events.  I believe the accuracy of D’Souza’s forecast has made him the perfect conservative political target as they try to extinguish his voice, just like the IRS did with TEA Party conservatives.  The question is how did this guy, a foreign student from Mumbai, India, that eventually became a U.S. citizen and a college president, get it right?   Well, you will have see the movie at our next TEA Party meeting, rent or buy the movie, or go online and watch it for free to find out. 

Mario diGesu                              Truth or Consequences                     New Mexico                 



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