Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reset Button

     Amazing!  I just listened to President Obama on the news speaking to the Europeans how they are in a tough spot right now in regards to meeting their energy and security needs in part because they have grown reliant on Russia and have not diversified their energy sources.   Unfortunately, America is dependent on foreign energy as well.   The “drill baby drill” party has been preaching energy independence the last 6 years but their message has fallen on deaf ears, until now.   As we see the reset button Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed with Russia fail, Obama is finally becoming ‘more flexible’ and talking more about exporting U.S. energy.

     The Keystone pipeline, new drilling technology, and increased drill permitting have all been met with incredible resistance from the Obama administration, his lockstep democrat party, and his radical environmental supporters.  Billions of dollars have been pumped into renewable energy sources like solar and wind but there have been no detectable benefits.  In fact, billions of dollars have been lost from these energy companies going bankrupt after getting huge loans from the American taxpayers.   

     My own electric bill has soared over the past few months and gas has topped $3.50 again!   Perhaps, if the Obama administration was not so opposed to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas we would not be seeing such high heating costs and gasoline prices.  We would actually have an advantage over these non-friendly energy producers like Russia right now had we diversified.

          Got gas?  America does!  America has incredible natural resources that we are not harvesting and using because the folks leading us have this utopian vision of the world that is not practical.   Many of them are financially secure so paying extra at the pump or on their heating bill does not really affect them as is does the majority of Americans.  We need to start using commonsense solutions and not allow this powerful progressive agenda run our nation into the ground.  I say drill baby drill and let’s press our own reset buttons at the voting booth in 2014!

Mario diGesu                             Truth or Consequences   NM                                          3.26.14

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