Wednesday, April 9, 2014

IRS: Impair Republican Service @teapartypassion

                                                                   IRS: Impair Republican Service


     After watching Louis Lerner the retired head of the IRS tax-exempt division plead the 5th for the second time, I thought the IRS might actually stand for Impair Republican Service.  Although TEA Party  and other conservative groups targeted by the withholding of their tax-exempt status were not necessarily Republicans, the intent was clear; Louis Lerner, the prior head of the Federal Election Commission before being the head of the tax-exempt division of the IRS, was on a mission to hobble conservatives for the two years prior to the 2012 election which, I believe, contributed to President Obama’s surprising victory.

     Louis Lerner is not your average IRS agent.  As a prior head of the Federal Election Commission, she sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s.  She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles and never won a case but her stellar performance seemed to help her land her infamous IRS job where she continued to persecute conservative groups.  Between April 2010 and April 2012, the IRS essentially placed on hold the processing of nearly 300 applications for tax-exemption status received from organizations with "Tea Party," "patriots," or "9/12" in their names while approving left-leaning applications without the same delay or probing questions. 

     Why not tell the truth if you are innocent?  Why plead the 5th?   Evidently, it appears Lerner was indeed on a mission and was using her position to manipulate political outcomes.  Perhaps there is a connection between Lerner and former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman?  Shulman, more than any other cabinet member, visited the White House at least 118 times during the targeting of TEA party groups.   If this lawless targeting proves to rise to the level of the White House, heads should roll just like President Richard Nixon’s did when he was impeached impart for using the IRS to target political enemies.

      Don’t let the IRS impair you!  If you believe you are Taxed Enough Already and there is more than a smidgeon of corruption in our government, stand up, speak your mind, and join TEA party groups across America on Tax Day, Tuesday April 15th .


Mario diGesu                             Truth or Consequences    NM                             4.8.14


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