Saturday, August 8, 2015


Did you like the ‪#‎GOPdebates‬? Wow...a lot of talented people with some great experience to lead America into the future. Did you like the Democrat debate too? Oh....there was no debate....just Hillary : (
I wish Allen West was on ‪#‎GOP‬ stage that night....he would have spiced things up a bit!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!! : )

Two very special people in my life! It would get very old hearing Dad repeat stories but what I would do now to hear one more! So, this Father's Day, celebrate the life of your Dad, good, bad, or in between. Cherish and enjoy the days you have with them because you never know when the day will come that you can't just call up or go visit. Miss you Dad! Happy Father's Day : )

Friday, June 19, 2015

AFP Summit 2015 Preview

I have gone the last couple of years and really enjoyed the speakers and programs.  50$ for two days of conference is a great deal.
Dr. Ben Carson​  Senator Ted Cruz​ Marco Rubio Rick Perry​ Carly Fiorina are just a handful of the speakers.  Go if you can!  : )

Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy Easter

                                         Happy Easter

       “Christ is Risen” was the headline of our weekly local newspaper that comes out every Friday.  It was a welcomed sight as I was reminded why the majority of Americans celebrate this special holiday.  I was pleasantly surprised that our local newspaper was brave enough to savor the Savior by such a declaration on the front page, at the very top, in very large print, and even in color.

      I can only imagine that not everyone was as pleased as I to see that Christ was elevated above the Easter Bunny.   I bet our local newspaper drew some complaints from some contrary folks that only see the world one way, their way.   Often times those folks seem easily offended by certain religious observances but feel right at home with less savory proclamations.   These appear to be the same politically correct folks that demand eggs of all colors to be respected but when you show the color of Christianity they demean it by saying Christianity is too judgmental, to obsolete, and too hypocritical.  As political correctness scrambles America’s moral compass and values, it is not all it is cracked up to be;  its arguments are fragile and easily broken.

      Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our Constitution and our America.  Those that might complain to the newspaper, although I don’t agree, have every right to complain.  But, what they should realize and respect is the right of the newspaper to print “Christ is Risen.”

         Last Friday was a Good Friday!  Jesus Christ, the most amazing person in history was honored and freedom of speech was expressed uninhibited by our local media.  There may still be hope for America after all.

 Mario diGesu                                                                                                    Truth or Consequences  

Friday, April 10, 2015

April Fools

                                                                              April Fools

     I remember President Obama saying rather clearly that Americans would have no new taxes if their income was under $250,000 thousand if he was reelected as president.   I also recall that          Obamacare fines and fees were not a tax (although the Supreme Court said, after the election, that it was a tax).  Well, April Fools on us all because it is now tax time and our tax accountants are asking us if we have medical insurance and are warning that we will be assessed a ‘penalty’ if we are out of compliance.  It just so happens that those ‘penalties’ are enforced by the IRS which just so happens to be the same agency that collects our taxes.
     I also remember that our premiums were supposed to go down with the ‘Affordable’ Healthcare Act that was overwhelmingly supported by Democrats and vehemently opposed by Republicans.  I have been paying an extra $100.00 dollars on my insurance premium each month on my new plan because my old plan that I picked specifically to meet my needs was canceled.  Didn’t  someone promise I could keep my old plan if I wanted?
      My deductible went from around $2000.00 dollars to $4000.00.  In addition to now having a catastrophic insurance plan that I never asked for or wanted, everything about my healthcare insurance is catastrophic.

     So, how does all this make me feel?  Well, frankly, I feel sick.  I should feel satisfied now that I am paying my fair share, according to some, but I don’t.   If Obamacare could provide me with all the perks it does for those on the premium Obama plans that have no co-pay, no deductible, and very small to no monthly premiums, I would be singing its praises.  But, the truth is, it appears to be another scam to extract more money from hard working middle class America while delivering broken promises. 
     As tax time rolls around this April, I definitely feel like I have been fooled, our health system is sicker than before, and I am taxed more than enough already.

Mario diGesu          ]                                                                                              Truth or Consequences       

Monday, March 16, 2015

Obama’s Israel 2016


                                                            Obama’s Israel 2016
     A great documentary by Dinesh D’Souza came out just before the 2012 presidential election called ‘Obama’s America 2016’.  In that movie, D’Souza takes us on a journey to understand President Obama’s childhood, his parents, his education, and, ultimately, his journey to the White House.  There are many theories on where Obama came from, who Obama is, and what his intentions are but I feel D’Souza hit the nail on the head.
     Obama promised Americans hope and change, and change he has.  He promised to fundamentally transform America, and he has.   He is desperately trying, against the resistance of  the Congress and Conservatives, to seal the deal for not only America but the world.  In fact, his organization is trying to transform Israel as I write.   And, I suspect Obama’s Israel will look much like Obama’s America does now if he succeeds in ousting Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.
     Reports abound that the White House has used taxpayer money to help fund an American nonprofit group to actively help the party running against Netanyahu.  This progressive center-left opposition party, no doubt with the help of the Obama administration, has been leading in the polls just before their Tuesday election.  Several of Obama’s prior campaign staff are in Israel on the ground assisting the opposition group.   We must remember that Obama’s billion dollar campaign machine called ‘Organizing for America’ was converted to a nonprofit organization called ‘Organizing for Action’ that has been actively pursuing Obama’s agenda in American politics and, as we clearly see now, across the globe.   Obama’s transformation that started with the Arab Spring in Egypt, then Libya, Syria, and Yemen is now headed for Israel.
     Israel has a choice on Tuesday to allow a progressive left of center government take over and bring transformational “hope and change.”  I hope the Israeli people are smart enough to see through the campaign promises that fooled many Americans and stick with a strong leader who has kept Israel secure in the midst of danger.  I hope Truth prevails and Israelis hit the nail on the head as well.
 Mario diGesu                                Truth or Consequences                                                New Mexico