Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy Easter

                                         Happy Easter

       “Christ is Risen” was the headline of our weekly local newspaper that comes out every Friday.  It was a welcomed sight as I was reminded why the majority of Americans celebrate this special holiday.  I was pleasantly surprised that our local newspaper was brave enough to savor the Savior by such a declaration on the front page, at the very top, in very large print, and even in color.

      I can only imagine that not everyone was as pleased as I to see that Christ was elevated above the Easter Bunny.   I bet our local newspaper drew some complaints from some contrary folks that only see the world one way, their way.   Often times those folks seem easily offended by certain religious observances but feel right at home with less savory proclamations.   These appear to be the same politically correct folks that demand eggs of all colors to be respected but when you show the color of Christianity they demean it by saying Christianity is too judgmental, to obsolete, and too hypocritical.  As political correctness scrambles America’s moral compass and values, it is not all it is cracked up to be;  its arguments are fragile and easily broken.

      Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our Constitution and our America.  Those that might complain to the newspaper, although I don’t agree, have every right to complain.  But, what they should realize and respect is the right of the newspaper to print “Christ is Risen.”

         Last Friday was a Good Friday!  Jesus Christ, the most amazing person in history was honored and freedom of speech was expressed uninhibited by our local media.  There may still be hope for America after all.

 Mario diGesu                                                                                                    Truth or Consequences  

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