Friday, April 10, 2015

April Fools

                                                                              April Fools

     I remember President Obama saying rather clearly that Americans would have no new taxes if their income was under $250,000 thousand if he was reelected as president.   I also recall that          Obamacare fines and fees were not a tax (although the Supreme Court said, after the election, that it was a tax).  Well, April Fools on us all because it is now tax time and our tax accountants are asking us if we have medical insurance and are warning that we will be assessed a ‘penalty’ if we are out of compliance.  It just so happens that those ‘penalties’ are enforced by the IRS which just so happens to be the same agency that collects our taxes.
     I also remember that our premiums were supposed to go down with the ‘Affordable’ Healthcare Act that was overwhelmingly supported by Democrats and vehemently opposed by Republicans.  I have been paying an extra $100.00 dollars on my insurance premium each month on my new plan because my old plan that I picked specifically to meet my needs was canceled.  Didn’t  someone promise I could keep my old plan if I wanted?
      My deductible went from around $2000.00 dollars to $4000.00.  In addition to now having a catastrophic insurance plan that I never asked for or wanted, everything about my healthcare insurance is catastrophic.

     So, how does all this make me feel?  Well, frankly, I feel sick.  I should feel satisfied now that I am paying my fair share, according to some, but I don’t.   If Obamacare could provide me with all the perks it does for those on the premium Obama plans that have no co-pay, no deductible, and very small to no monthly premiums, I would be singing its praises.  But, the truth is, it appears to be another scam to extract more money from hard working middle class America while delivering broken promises. 
     As tax time rolls around this April, I definitely feel like I have been fooled, our health system is sicker than before, and I am taxed more than enough already.

Mario diGesu          ]                                                                                              Truth or Consequences       

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