Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Defund Obama Scare!"...........................................................@teapartypassion..............................................original tune "17 Trillion!" @

Defund Obama Scare!

     I don’t go out of my way to watch horror movies.  The gore, all gore, the darkness, the helplessness of the victims just doesn’t do anything for me.  In fact, it keeps me up at night, kind of like now!

     Obamacare, the unaffordable healthcare act is scary alright!  This monstrosity is transforming everything about healthcare and job security.   None of the progressive liberal densocrats took the time to think about the CONSEQUENCES.  In fact, they did not even take the time to read the two thousand page bill because, according to Congresswomen Pelosi, we needed to pass it first to see what was in it; like we need to open a coffin to know what is inside? 
     Well, the devil is in the details and the ghouls and goblins are starting to pop out of Obamacare’s body like in the movie ‘Aliens’.  And they want to push through an immigration bill!  No thank you!  I think we have had enough aliens for one presidency.
     There are several websites on defunding Obamacare.  Call your representatives and sound off!  In addition to driving a stake through the heart of this law by defunding it, every single senator and congressional representative that voted for this deceptive beast should be cast out by our vote.  Thirty three senators and all congressional seat holders that voted for healthcare overhaul should vanish.  Our vote is our scream; scream loud!
     This administration is messing with the beloved middle class they always speak so sweetly about in order to conduct their mad scientist utopian experiments.  They are messing with us when they pass laws to improve our condition that are making us stressed and sick.  Everyone is getting a ‘get out of Obamacare card’ except the working middle class.  It is like being in a bad dream where everyone else can get away except you.  I say defund this nightmare, go back to square one, and use some common sense when drafting the next bill.  Maybe even getting some input from medical providers and the 84% of Americans that were happily insured prior might be helpful.

Mario diGesu                                  Truth or Consequences                                                  7.30.13  


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