Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Polident".......................................................@teapartypassion..............................................Original tune called "17Trillion!"


I believe polident means ‘many teeth’ but it could also mean ‘politics at dentist’ which reminds me of a funny story of why one should be careful when mixing politics with your next dental visit:  I went in with a cavity and left without a tooth!  I was telling my dentist why I needed to leave by certain time when a cavity inspection turned into a tooth extraction.  I mentioned I was sharing ‘Obama’s America’ at KBobs.  Several minutes went by and when I was in a head lock with the drill burrowing in my mouth my dentist chuckled, “You know….I voted for Obama!”  Well, of course the tooth needed to come out and we laughed about the moment, numb lip, drool, and all.

But, it reminds me that we need to discuss politics and religion.  To our detriment, politics and religion became taboo and sex, drugs, and rock and roll are now the norm.  Conservatives have swallowed too many nice pills that have sedated us while the progressives march ‘forward’ toward their vision of America which appears as a beautiful crown but decay is lurking underneath it.  For America’s health, the tooth may need to come out.

Well, the sedated giant has awoken.  From Tampa to Truth or Consequences and beyond, conservatives are starting to stand up for the vision of America that was laid out by our wise timeless constitutional founders.  We have that right to voice our ideas, protest, and not go with the current flow, especially when it’s beginning to look like Niagra Falls up ahead.  Why should conservatives be toothless?  (Unless you have just been talking politics with the dentist!)

This election is coming to a close.  By Tuesday this country will know which direction it will be heading.  We will learn again that elections have consequences.  Our vote is our voice.  Our speech is our freedom.  And our actions will lead us to our future.  If you are as concerned as I am for the future of America, I invite you to join our TEA Party gatherings at KBobs and get involved.  You may face some ridicule, perhaps even lose a tooth, but you will be glad you are participating, taking a stand, and making a difference!
Mario diGesu                                             Truth or Consequences                                      10.27.12

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