Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Happy Birthday America!" ........................................................twitter.................@teapartypassion

Happy Birthday America!

     As America celebrates her 237th birthday it got me thinking what makes a great nation and allows it to live to such a ripe old age. Other nations have come and gone rather quickly and we could easily analyze what caused their transformation and demise. But, what brings success, what brings longevity? What can we do as citizens that depend on America’s freedom and opportunity to insure she continues to stand and have a presence in our world?

     I imagine it is not much different from a human that achieves 100 years and beyond. What makes their life long and successful? Most of the older folks I know have prepared for aging. They had a plan and followed that plan, making changes here and there as necessary, but mostly following a proven path based on historical records of other successful, or unsuccessful, people. Most of the older folks I know have core values. They have a faith that rises above the challenges and hardships that life brings. Providence, God’s care, is their evidence to continue on. Most of the older folks I know have healthy support systems; a network of fellow humans that make life worth getting up and out of bed.   Most of the older folks I know are industrious. They are off their rockers and engaged in productive activities. They are giving rather than receiving. And finally, they are persistent. They never give up!

Sticking to a plan, core values, faith, support systems, industriousness, and persistence seem to be aging secrets. It is easy to see that some of America’s challenges for survival are dependent on these things. Straying from the Constitution, losing core values, leaving our faith, erosion of the family, growth of welfare dependency, and apathy with hedonistic living do not seem to be helping.

How many more birthdays will America celebrate? How many Independence Days will we enjoy with her? Today I believe we should recommit our support to America; America, the land that we love, we respect you and honor you, and we cherish our freedom. May God bless and keep you! Happy Birthday!
Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                  7/3.13

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