Friday, June 28, 2013

"Eater ID" .................................. follow me @teapartypassion

                                                                     Eater ID
       I went to KFC, stepped up to the counter, and placed my order.  I told the gal, “I would like to pay by credit card.”  She said, “Can I see your ID.”  Indignant I asked, “Why are you suppressing my appetite?”  She said, “I am not.  It is our policy to protect our customers and ensure you are who you are to prevent fraud.”  I told her, “But it is my right to eat.”  She said, “No ID, no chicken.”  Surrendering to her insistence for justice and realizing my privilege to have food, I showed my ID.  As an afterthought I asked, “Can I have all white?”  She said, “That will cost you extra.”  Well, that is another story!

        I tell you this story to make a point.  We have lost common sense in our country and those suggesting that we should not ID voters because we are suppressing the vote are loony tunes on the verge of criminal intent.  If you are going to get chicken, show your ID.  If you are going to vote, show your ID.  We ID to prevent fraud and when you have illegal immigrants, non-registered folks, and dead people showing up to vote, you need to ask for an ID to prevent fraud.  Voter rolls need to be updated and cleaned up with the full support of the  Department of Justice….what did I just call them?  When the Whitehouse, the legislators, and the lefty tunes are working against a common sense approach to legitimize our privilege and right to vote, we have to ask ourselves where is the transparency, what are they trying to hide, and why are they not protecting our vote.

Mario diGesu                                       Truth or Consequences                                 7.3.12



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