Wednesday, July 30, 2014



     Most folks enjoy a good party; everyone puts their best foot forward, food and spirits are flowing,  music is playing, and elbows are rubbing as party goers catch up on what’s what and who’s who.

     I suspect this happens at most of the political fundraisers that are happening at any moment across America.  Perhaps that is why we call these groups ‘political parties’.     Perhaps that is why people of money, influence, and power are drawn to lead these political fiestas.

     As the border crisis unfolded, I could not help but wonder how certain people of influence responded;   President Obama(Democrat) was invited by  Texas Governor Rick Perry (Republican) to come down and see for himself  this ‘Katrina moment’ of human calamity.  Obama declined choosing instead to attend political campaign fundraisers in Texas.  These ‘fat-cat’ campaign fiestas range from $10,000 to $30,000 a plate with all the food, alcohol, and hob knobbing one can consume.  I imagine high dollar donors got a photo-op with the photo-op Selfie and Chief  who does not do photo-ops for political purposes, except for political campaign events when the price is right!  Our President, responsible for our border security, was AWOL on the wall choosing parties and party lines over compassion and leadership. 

     On the other side of the political spectrum, Glenn Beck (Conservative Libertarian ) and his         Mercury One nonprofit  organization was delivering loads of food, clothing, and toys to the children in need.  Glenn Beck did not do this for a photo-op but because he felt in his heart of hearts it was the right thing to do.  Come to think of it, how wonderful if Obama and the Democrat party would have had a heart of hearts moment and announce that all the money they had collected in those few days of fundraising would go to charities like Mercury One to help relieve the suffering of the border children.

    When an ordinary citizen outshines the President of the United States and the largest money making machine in political history, the Democrat Party, during a humanitarian crisis, you know something is awry with this president and his political party.  

 Mario diGesu         PO Box 3685      Truth or Consequences   NM    87901     575-744-5947


Wednesday, July 23, 2014



     President Obama’s idealistic unreasonable responses driven by his liberal progressive ideology concerning the current Middle East, Russia, and border crises remind me of the American rock band song ‘Desparado’ by The Eagle’s.    The first verse reads:     “Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?  You’ve been out ridin’ fences for so long now.  Oh, you’re a hard one but I know that you got your reasons.  These things that are pleasin’ you can hurt you somehow.”

      Many of our current leaders, presidents, senators, congressmen, and judges, have been ridin’ political fences for so long now they have minimal commonsense and are more driven by their ideology of ‘progress’ and the pleasure of unbridled power.   They have these whimsical ideas of how things should be and forget the history and science of what is.  They have been hardened by roaming the range of ‘higher education’ , many lawyers, believing they have the way which gives them reasons for what they are doing but, the end result, as we watch and can testify, is a runaway wagon train heading off a cliff.

     Many of these folks don’t subscribe to Christianity or traditional American values and want to undermine their influence in our culture.   With the fervor of religious crusaders, they want to banish Christian symbols, abolish prayers in schools, obstruct free speech of Conservatives, and control our health and wellbeing with a cleverly disguised Trojan horse we now call Obama Care.   Meanwhile, they impose their utopian fiats like education through Common Core, gun registries, stiffer environmental protection standards, contraceptive mandates, and debt ceiling increases which cause our futures to disappear like ghost riders in the sky.  Sadly, the chaos gallops on.

     The desperation of progressivism can be found in more of the song:  “Now it seems to me, some fine things have been laid upon your table but you only want the ones that you can’t get.”  As Americans,  some fine things have been laid upon our table.  I am so grateful to live in this amazing nation.  But, I can hardly recognize America anymore as our desperado leaders have traded what was on our table for a dream that we can never get, nor would want to get.

 Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                      7.23.14

Thursday, July 10, 2014

4 More Billion Served

4 More Billion Served
     I think the United States should adopt the McDonald’s motto “billions and billions served” as President Obama asks the loosy-goosy impotent Congress for another lump of taxpayer sugar, 3.7 billion lumps to be exact, for the illegal immigrant crisis that has been brewing for over a year now.  And so, the never ending political cycle begins again by wasting taxpayer money on a crisis and demonizing those Americans who are furious and vocal about wasteful big government spending, unsecure borders, and the disintegration of our Constitutional rule of law.
         The current  border crisis created by Obama’s persistent amnesty demands and handouts can be likened to the movie ‘Alien’ where critters keep popping out of the host (that be the middleclass American taxpayer!).  Perhaps this is a crude analogy, but watching the border debacle unfold, it seems now to be most appropriate; our border situation is out of control, it is scary, we can run but we cannot hide, and people are going to suffer, get injured, and possibly die!
     I lay the blame of the current crisis squarely at Obama’s golf shoes, I mean feet.  He had a chance to be a president different but instead chose to play partisan politics and follow the progressive liberal socialist Democrat agenda designed to reengineer and transform America.  First, with a stroke of his mighty pen, around August of 2013 he unilaterally implemented parts of the fiesta Dream Act for children of illegals that has consistently been rejected by Congress.  Secondly, in May of 2014, Obama via Eric Holder’s Department of Justice released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens.  Now, if those aren’t calls to come to America illegally, I don’t know what are!
         I hate scary horror films and ‘Alien’ was no exception.  And, I hate the fact that America has multiplying human and ideological parasites feasting on its vitality, freedom, and life force.   A billion served here and a billion served there comes right out of the taxpayer's pockets and into the political abyss.  In conclusion, for our science loving progressive liberals, take a  lesson from nature and remember that eventually every host succumbs to the parasite unless the parasite is promptly removed.
Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences                                    7.9.14

Sunday, July 6, 2014



     I just heard that Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of the movie ‘Obama’s America’, recently pleaded guilty to illegal campaign financing and awaits sentencing in September.  D’Souza is no doubt a political enemy of President Obama as he made the largest grossing documentary on Barak Hussein Obama from a young man, to community organizer, to congress, and then to president.  It appears D’Souza became a trophy target after his prophetic documentary gained wide popularity before and after the 2012 elections. 

     Targeting of Conservatives seems to be common practice for the federal government under Obama these days.  Not too long ago, another Conservative who spoke openly about his views in front of Obama at a prayer breakfast, Dr. Ben Carson, was oddly audited by the IRS shortly after.  Talk about chilling!  Fortunately, the federal government did not find anything against him but it sure looks fishy when someone speaks against this administration and they find themselves in a shark tank.

          I don’t condone D’Souza’s missteps with breaking ‘the law’ but we should want ‘the law’ to be upheld in fairness in EVERY case.  What I can’t wrap my mind around is how 36,000 criminal ‘illegals’, 600 of those convicted felons, be released back onto our streets last year with Obama’s blessing?  How does a tax generating and contributing member of society, a film producer and scholar who gave additional money to a senate campaign, face a huge fine and up to two years in prison while convicted felons roam our streets?  How can this citizen of the United States lose his right to vote, carry a firearm, and hold public office while literally thousands who have seriously broken the law not be held to account, or at least be sent back to the country they came from? 

     It appears our current leaders are looking after voter blocks instead of our city blocks.  And, if you speak your mind and become a roadblock to the liberal progressive machine, you may be looking out of a cell block down the road.  This is very chilling indeed!
    We must not let this oppression keep us Conservatives down! Go see Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 'America!' and be re-inspired by American exceptionalism!  Get involved on a grassroots local level to affect change in our communities.  As our Conservative leaders move into community leadership, they will go on to lead at the state and national levels.  That is what the Democrats have successfully done and there is no reason why we cannot do the same!

     Mario diGesu                                    Truth or Consequences                                              7.6.14

Thursday, July 3, 2014

OBAMA CRUSH................................................................................................................................@teapartypassion


      If a ‘crushed’ TEA Party falls in the political forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?  According to President Obama, the insignificant TEA Party is making more noise than it should and he wants the Republican Party to start playing deaf.

     It brought me great joy to hear Obama mention the virtually extinct TEA Party in his recent             Rose Garden address on immigration reform.  Obama was ridiculing the Republican Party for aligning itself with such a radical obstructionist group that wants secure borders and lawful immigration.  He was noticeably peeved that anyone would stand against his perfect, caring, socialist, taxpayer funded, Democrat vote-generating plan.

          In his speech, Obama clearly targeted TEA Party groups just as disgraced IRS official Louis Lerner targeted TEA Party groups since 2009.  We now know this IRS targeting of Conservatives speaking against Obama affected hundreds of Conservative groups likely causing millions of grassroots activists to retreat from the wrath of the IRS.  This targeting helped usher in another Obama presidency; the perfect strategy to crush Conservatives had abundant schemes and emails not been uncovered!

     If Americans can’t see the writing on the wall, the hate speech in the speech, they are happy progressives,  or disconnected from current events and are not concerned about America’s future, or they are awake and mad as a swatted bumblebee that the President is not fulfilling his oath to execute the law and, instead, is rewriting it.  The oath, so help him God, is to uphold the Constitution!

     We have an election this November.  We can vote blindly on party lines or we have can sweep out the 10% approval rated Congress.  America is our responsibility and we have the power to send those lawmaker breakers obstructing America’s progress packing!  I encourage and challenge every American citizen this 4th of July to double down on their patriotism and love for traditional America by participating in the upcoming election before the progressive utopian revisionist steal all our freedom and give it to the citizens of the world.

     Happy Independence Day!  Pray and act so we can keep it!


Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                   7.3.14