Sunday, July 6, 2014



     I just heard that Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of the movie ‘Obama’s America’, recently pleaded guilty to illegal campaign financing and awaits sentencing in September.  D’Souza is no doubt a political enemy of President Obama as he made the largest grossing documentary on Barak Hussein Obama from a young man, to community organizer, to congress, and then to president.  It appears D’Souza became a trophy target after his prophetic documentary gained wide popularity before and after the 2012 elections. 

     Targeting of Conservatives seems to be common practice for the federal government under Obama these days.  Not too long ago, another Conservative who spoke openly about his views in front of Obama at a prayer breakfast, Dr. Ben Carson, was oddly audited by the IRS shortly after.  Talk about chilling!  Fortunately, the federal government did not find anything against him but it sure looks fishy when someone speaks against this administration and they find themselves in a shark tank.

          I don’t condone D’Souza’s missteps with breaking ‘the law’ but we should want ‘the law’ to be upheld in fairness in EVERY case.  What I can’t wrap my mind around is how 36,000 criminal ‘illegals’, 600 of those convicted felons, be released back onto our streets last year with Obama’s blessing?  How does a tax generating and contributing member of society, a film producer and scholar who gave additional money to a senate campaign, face a huge fine and up to two years in prison while convicted felons roam our streets?  How can this citizen of the United States lose his right to vote, carry a firearm, and hold public office while literally thousands who have seriously broken the law not be held to account, or at least be sent back to the country they came from? 

     It appears our current leaders are looking after voter blocks instead of our city blocks.  And, if you speak your mind and become a roadblock to the liberal progressive machine, you may be looking out of a cell block down the road.  This is very chilling indeed!
    We must not let this oppression keep us Conservatives down! Go see Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 'America!' and be re-inspired by American exceptionalism!  Get involved on a grassroots local level to affect change in our communities.  As our Conservative leaders move into community leadership, they will go on to lead at the state and national levels.  That is what the Democrats have successfully done and there is no reason why we cannot do the same!

     Mario diGesu                                    Truth or Consequences                                              7.6.14

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