Wednesday, July 30, 2014



     Most folks enjoy a good party; everyone puts their best foot forward, food and spirits are flowing,  music is playing, and elbows are rubbing as party goers catch up on what’s what and who’s who.

     I suspect this happens at most of the political fundraisers that are happening at any moment across America.  Perhaps that is why we call these groups ‘political parties’.     Perhaps that is why people of money, influence, and power are drawn to lead these political fiestas.

     As the border crisis unfolded, I could not help but wonder how certain people of influence responded;   President Obama(Democrat) was invited by  Texas Governor Rick Perry (Republican) to come down and see for himself  this ‘Katrina moment’ of human calamity.  Obama declined choosing instead to attend political campaign fundraisers in Texas.  These ‘fat-cat’ campaign fiestas range from $10,000 to $30,000 a plate with all the food, alcohol, and hob knobbing one can consume.  I imagine high dollar donors got a photo-op with the photo-op Selfie and Chief  who does not do photo-ops for political purposes, except for political campaign events when the price is right!  Our President, responsible for our border security, was AWOL on the wall choosing parties and party lines over compassion and leadership. 

     On the other side of the political spectrum, Glenn Beck (Conservative Libertarian ) and his         Mercury One nonprofit  organization was delivering loads of food, clothing, and toys to the children in need.  Glenn Beck did not do this for a photo-op but because he felt in his heart of hearts it was the right thing to do.  Come to think of it, how wonderful if Obama and the Democrat party would have had a heart of hearts moment and announce that all the money they had collected in those few days of fundraising would go to charities like Mercury One to help relieve the suffering of the border children.

    When an ordinary citizen outshines the President of the United States and the largest money making machine in political history, the Democrat Party, during a humanitarian crisis, you know something is awry with this president and his political party.  

 Mario diGesu         PO Box 3685      Truth or Consequences   NM    87901     575-744-5947


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