Thursday, July 10, 2014

4 More Billion Served

4 More Billion Served
     I think the United States should adopt the McDonald’s motto “billions and billions served” as President Obama asks the loosy-goosy impotent Congress for another lump of taxpayer sugar, 3.7 billion lumps to be exact, for the illegal immigrant crisis that has been brewing for over a year now.  And so, the never ending political cycle begins again by wasting taxpayer money on a crisis and demonizing those Americans who are furious and vocal about wasteful big government spending, unsecure borders, and the disintegration of our Constitutional rule of law.
         The current  border crisis created by Obama’s persistent amnesty demands and handouts can be likened to the movie ‘Alien’ where critters keep popping out of the host (that be the middleclass American taxpayer!).  Perhaps this is a crude analogy, but watching the border debacle unfold, it seems now to be most appropriate; our border situation is out of control, it is scary, we can run but we cannot hide, and people are going to suffer, get injured, and possibly die!
     I lay the blame of the current crisis squarely at Obama’s golf shoes, I mean feet.  He had a chance to be a president different but instead chose to play partisan politics and follow the progressive liberal socialist Democrat agenda designed to reengineer and transform America.  First, with a stroke of his mighty pen, around August of 2013 he unilaterally implemented parts of the fiesta Dream Act for children of illegals that has consistently been rejected by Congress.  Secondly, in May of 2014, Obama via Eric Holder’s Department of Justice released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens.  Now, if those aren’t calls to come to America illegally, I don’t know what are!
         I hate scary horror films and ‘Alien’ was no exception.  And, I hate the fact that America has multiplying human and ideological parasites feasting on its vitality, freedom, and life force.   A billion served here and a billion served there comes right out of the taxpayer's pockets and into the political abyss.  In conclusion, for our science loving progressive liberals, take a  lesson from nature and remember that eventually every host succumbs to the parasite unless the parasite is promptly removed.
Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences                                    7.9.14

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