Thursday, July 3, 2014

OBAMA CRUSH................................................................................................................................@teapartypassion


      If a ‘crushed’ TEA Party falls in the political forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?  According to President Obama, the insignificant TEA Party is making more noise than it should and he wants the Republican Party to start playing deaf.

     It brought me great joy to hear Obama mention the virtually extinct TEA Party in his recent             Rose Garden address on immigration reform.  Obama was ridiculing the Republican Party for aligning itself with such a radical obstructionist group that wants secure borders and lawful immigration.  He was noticeably peeved that anyone would stand against his perfect, caring, socialist, taxpayer funded, Democrat vote-generating plan.

          In his speech, Obama clearly targeted TEA Party groups just as disgraced IRS official Louis Lerner targeted TEA Party groups since 2009.  We now know this IRS targeting of Conservatives speaking against Obama affected hundreds of Conservative groups likely causing millions of grassroots activists to retreat from the wrath of the IRS.  This targeting helped usher in another Obama presidency; the perfect strategy to crush Conservatives had abundant schemes and emails not been uncovered!

     If Americans can’t see the writing on the wall, the hate speech in the speech, they are happy progressives,  or disconnected from current events and are not concerned about America’s future, or they are awake and mad as a swatted bumblebee that the President is not fulfilling his oath to execute the law and, instead, is rewriting it.  The oath, so help him God, is to uphold the Constitution!

     We have an election this November.  We can vote blindly on party lines or we have can sweep out the 10% approval rated Congress.  America is our responsibility and we have the power to send those lawmaker breakers obstructing America’s progress packing!  I encourage and challenge every American citizen this 4th of July to double down on their patriotism and love for traditional America by participating in the upcoming election before the progressive utopian revisionist steal all our freedom and give it to the citizens of the world.

     Happy Independence Day!  Pray and act so we can keep it!


Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                   7.3.14

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