Wednesday, July 23, 2014



     President Obama’s idealistic unreasonable responses driven by his liberal progressive ideology concerning the current Middle East, Russia, and border crises remind me of the American rock band song ‘Desparado’ by The Eagle’s.    The first verse reads:     “Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?  You’ve been out ridin’ fences for so long now.  Oh, you’re a hard one but I know that you got your reasons.  These things that are pleasin’ you can hurt you somehow.”

      Many of our current leaders, presidents, senators, congressmen, and judges, have been ridin’ political fences for so long now they have minimal commonsense and are more driven by their ideology of ‘progress’ and the pleasure of unbridled power.   They have these whimsical ideas of how things should be and forget the history and science of what is.  They have been hardened by roaming the range of ‘higher education’ , many lawyers, believing they have the way which gives them reasons for what they are doing but, the end result, as we watch and can testify, is a runaway wagon train heading off a cliff.

     Many of these folks don’t subscribe to Christianity or traditional American values and want to undermine their influence in our culture.   With the fervor of religious crusaders, they want to banish Christian symbols, abolish prayers in schools, obstruct free speech of Conservatives, and control our health and wellbeing with a cleverly disguised Trojan horse we now call Obama Care.   Meanwhile, they impose their utopian fiats like education through Common Core, gun registries, stiffer environmental protection standards, contraceptive mandates, and debt ceiling increases which cause our futures to disappear like ghost riders in the sky.  Sadly, the chaos gallops on.

     The desperation of progressivism can be found in more of the song:  “Now it seems to me, some fine things have been laid upon your table but you only want the ones that you can’t get.”  As Americans,  some fine things have been laid upon our table.  I am so grateful to live in this amazing nation.  But, I can hardly recognize America anymore as our desperado leaders have traded what was on our table for a dream that we can never get, nor would want to get.

 Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                      7.23.14

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