Friday, June 28, 2013

"Eater ID" .................................. follow me @teapartypassion

                                                                     Eater ID
       I went to KFC, stepped up to the counter, and placed my order.  I told the gal, “I would like to pay by credit card.”  She said, “Can I see your ID.”  Indignant I asked, “Why are you suppressing my appetite?”  She said, “I am not.  It is our policy to protect our customers and ensure you are who you are to prevent fraud.”  I told her, “But it is my right to eat.”  She said, “No ID, no chicken.”  Surrendering to her insistence for justice and realizing my privilege to have food, I showed my ID.  As an afterthought I asked, “Can I have all white?”  She said, “That will cost you extra.”  Well, that is another story!

        I tell you this story to make a point.  We have lost common sense in our country and those suggesting that we should not ID voters because we are suppressing the vote are loony tunes on the verge of criminal intent.  If you are going to get chicken, show your ID.  If you are going to vote, show your ID.  We ID to prevent fraud and when you have illegal immigrants, non-registered folks, and dead people showing up to vote, you need to ask for an ID to prevent fraud.  Voter rolls need to be updated and cleaned up with the full support of the  Department of Justice….what did I just call them?  When the Whitehouse, the legislators, and the lefty tunes are working against a common sense approach to legitimize our privilege and right to vote, we have to ask ourselves where is the transparency, what are they trying to hide, and why are they not protecting our vote.

Mario diGesu                                       Truth or Consequences                                 7.3.12



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Up in Smoke" ..............follow me @teapartypassion: fun song @ i-tunes song "17 Trillion"



Up in Smoke
      Hard to take a deep breath these days? A little burn in the eyes from the haze? Have to go out of town or in the hospital for oxygen? Smell a little BBQ spotted owl or the singed hair of some newly released wolves?   I actually smell money and opportunity burning;  money and opportunity that could have been Sierra County’s.
     The  Silver Fire in the Gila National Forest has reached over 30,000 acres.  It began from a lightning strike so the environmentalist can’t go crazy blaming environmental damage on imperfect humans.  An interesting letter to the editor last week though gave a time line for the fire and suggested that perhaps the fire could have been put out rather quickly when it first started.  So, maybe imperfect humans, or rather imperfect policy, did turn what might have been a manageable issue into an environmental catastrophe.
     Sierra County is rich in resources.  We have the largest lake in New Mexico.  We have a huge wilderness area for our backyard.  We have the resource of lots of space.  But the reality is we are a welfare county.  We have turned much of our resources over to big government.  Our lake is run by N.M. State Parks which siphons off a lot of the revenue generated here to sustain other parks and a large bureaucracy in Santa Fe.  The U.S. Forest Service controls millions of acres.  It is my understanding that Sierra County receives compensation from the U.S. government for surrendering control to them.  So instead of trying to utilize our resource of billions of trees for fuel and building materials, we rely on the U.S. Forest Service to ‘manage’ it for us and now witness that mismanagement in the smoke we see and air we breathe.   Finally, the Environmental Protection Agency and Santa Fe say they are going to make it painfully expensive for any city to have a landfill so we have to adhere to their regional plan of transfer stations costing the citizens of Sierra County even more money.
     Our resources of space, forest, and water are fully controlled by the State and Federal government.  If only our local counties, our officials, would only realize our full potential for independence.  As a county, we have fallen prey to the government handout;  no pride,  no respect,  no opportunity, and no dreams of what could be.  The smoke and ashes tell of something greater when the citizenry gives up its freedoms.

Mario diGesu                                                 Truth or Consequences                                                         6.19.13

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Hotel Tranformania" .........follow me on twitter @teapartypassion

Hotel Tranformania

The new movie “Hotel Transylvania” is an animation about how the human and monster world, Dracula, Frankenstein, and crew, overcome their differences and come together to live happily ever after.  Two totally different ideologies, light and dark, come together in a ‘kumbaya’ moment for world and underworld peace.  That of course is Hollywood and a cartoon to boot. 

It reminded me though of our very own White House,  Hotel Tranformania, that is also trying to bring together two very different ideologies so that we too can live happily ever after, even though many of us are squirming.  Most of us Americans have a different ideology than the current White House where we cling to our guns and our religion.  We have business and home budgets to balance to survive.  We show up at work every day, week in and week out, to make ends meet.  We are busy raising our kids in a responsible manner, wondering how bright their future will be.  And we live under Constitutional and Biblical principles that have been America’s guiding light for over two hundred years.

Civilizations rise and fall based on their ideology.  I am a firm believer in America’s traditional conservative ideology.  It has served this nation well.  I think we should check out of Hotel Tranformania, which is downright scary , and head to the affordable, made in America, Motel 6 where “they’ll leave the light on”.  When Count Obama and Smiling Joe Franken-Biden say they want to raise taxes and spread the wealth (translation:  “We want to suck your blood! Blah….blah, blah! ), we ought to believe them and vote for our lives!  A social engineering experiment and a monster mash on our founding principles could be the horror of horrors! 


Mario diGesu                                               Truth or Consequences                                          10.15.12

Saturday, June 15, 2013

“Let Me Be Clear” twitter.....@teapartypassion

“Let Me Be Clear”

     I can’t remember how many times I heard Obama say “let me be clear”; it makes me cringe every time like I am being spoken down to.    I believe one of the times he lowered this decree on the pliable masses he said, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”  Remember?  Well, I think I just got some snake oil!

     Interesting timing that just before his second term I should receive in the mail a notice from  my health insurance company that they are dropping my health plan due to the growing cost of healthcare.  Hmmmm…..never had that happen before and shouldn’t cost be going down according to 2000 pages of regulation!

     What sickens me is government intrusion in the private sector that is already regulated by the state that was working for the majority of us.  Instead of taking out the appendix, they are doing a multiple organ transplant…and they aren’t even physicians!  We should know from experience that government intrusion in the private sector is usually a boondoggle.  As we watch this mess unfold with healthcare exchanges, insurances, and disillusioned, soon to be retiring healthcare professionals scrambling for survival, let me be clear:  ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!   Instead of cutting the progressive socialist cancer out we gave it another dose of sugar.  There is hope though and it is the people of the USA rising up for Liberty’s call and Freedom’s sake before it is too late.  Some emergency medicine might be keeping the House and flipping the Senate!


Mario diGesu                               Truth or Consequences                           12.7.12

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Chile con Carne" ............. Follow me on Twitter: Mario diGesu@teapartypassion

Chile con Carne

      One of my favorite Mexican dishes is chile con carne. Pondering the name reminded me of another dishful that is being served up for the American people: Chilly con Carney.

'     Chilling' is the description given to pressure applied to the Press that causes them to be more cautious, more quiet, less active, less vibrant. This occurs when the government becomes oppressive, intimidates, and treats its citizens and Press with a heavy hand. Jay 'Carney' is the White House press secretary. So, here is the recipe: add some beans, some Constitutional infringements, some Carney, some hot air, then allow to chill and whala…..Chilly con Carney!

      The recent investigation launched against Fox newsman James Rosen and several other Associated Press reporters by President Obama’s Justice Department was said to have had a ‘chilling effect’on news reporting in America. The head of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder, testified before Congress saying he had no involvement in the investigation and come to find out his signature is on the warrant. America’s top law enforcement official calls into question the integrity of others; now that is calling the kettle black! Mr. Carney and Mr. Holder, under the leadership of Mr.Obama, have put the 1st and 4thAmendments in their policy pressure cooker as they try to transform America into an unrecognizable stew.

      Mr. Carney, Mr. Holder, and Mr. Obama have been on the hot plate as the media’s love affair with this administration has finally chilled. I’d be lying if I said I did not enjoy the media finally turning up the heat on this administration and finally asking some tough questions. As the media was dead on arrival defending our right to bear arms, they have really come alive for their right to free speech. But, if the narcoleptic Press falls asleep at the dinner table again, We The People must stand up and defend the Constitution. Let me be clear (that’s Obama speak), this assault to chill the citizens through IRS intimidation and harassment, and its Press through unreasonable wire tapping, is unacceptable.
Mario diGesu                                      Truth or Consequences                                              6.10.13

Friday, June 7, 2013

“Me Want Cookie”

“Me Want Cookie”

Well, I was hoping to lay down this pen for awhile but after watching last evening’s election I am compelled to speak up.

Big Bird became a big distraction this election year but I am more captivated by the super friendly Cookie Monster character right now. The only thing Cookie Monster wants from every episode of Sesame Street I watched as a kid is “more cookies, me want more cookies….OMM-nom-nom-nom..." Well, the cookie jar is very much empty now (17 trillion in debt is implosion like empty). Miss Piggy has the latest Hollywood bling but is broke as could be. And Big Bird, which may become our national bird, now victoriously carries the mantel for more Big Government. The majority of Americans have voted for a re-run of the muppets instead of choosing Mr. Rogers; a voracious appetite prevails over self-control, more cookies over more principles and discipline, and more entitlements instead of donning work shoes and going to work.

I just hope and pray our country can withstand four more years of this entertainment mentality. Meanwhile, we don’t lose hope in the midst of all this change because we really know Who is pulling the strings and we will work for better days for Main Street and The America we hold near and dear.


Mario diGesu                                    Truth or Consequences                                       11.11.12

Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Out of the Ooze" ............................. Follow me on twitter : i-tunes song "17 Trillion"

Out of the Ooze

     Some of you may be thinking this will be about politics…sorry. As tempting as it is to connect this title to Chicago swampland politicians or my least favorite President, I will refrain.

     Out of the ooze came….Jazz! I went to a remarkable jazz concert in downtown Truth or Consequences featuring guitarist Joshua Breakstone and bassist Earl Sauls. While listening to their musical prowess, fierce progressions, beautiful harmonies, toe-tapping melodies, and occasional dissonance, I thought to myself, “Surely there is a Creator, as these men have reflected, wanting an audience with whomever will listen. Surely there is a God who loves us enough to communicate His thoughts to us by whatever means if we will take the focus off ourselves, surrender some time, listen, and receive.”

     There is a large segment in our secular society that is pushing the big bang theory and evolution in our colleges and schools. These evolutionist, convolutionist rather, fight armed with lefty lawyers, lots of money, and progressive change agents to remove any symbol of God or creation from the American homeland. Their goal, and they are succeeding, is to sweep our youth into this belief system of accidents, self-preservation, and unaccountability; go with the flow, if it feels good do it, hook up and hang out, nothing really matters because we are all out of the ooze.

     They can believe that nonsense but my 48 years have taught me better. We can follow common sense and the Designer or we can follow our sea of swarming chemicals. All that jazz and other creative works, our very existence, sings of a design and a Designer. In the 1800s, Maltbie Babcock wrote this song: “This is my Father’s world and to my listening ears, all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father’s world; I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, His hand the wonders wrought.”

     Wrought means worked into shape by artistry and effort.  These masterful musicians created beautiful music that transcended my being that evening in downtown Truth or Consequences.  They re-inspired meI  to be available, pliable, and usable. They reminded me, like an instrument in the Master’s hand, I have a purpose.

Mario diGesu                                     Truth or Consequences                                     6.6.13      

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Organizing for Inaction" Follow me on twitter @teapartypassion i-tunes song "17 Trillion"

Organizing for Inaction

     Most of us that follow the news have heard the announcement that Obama’s billion dollar campaign machine, Organizing For America, is morphing and changing its name to Organizing for Action.  In the process, it transforms millions of dollars of leftover campaign funds and political machinery into a policy bulldozer for socialist causes in America so we can enjoy more of this wonderful transformation we have been experiencing ….I can’t wait!  It also supplies jobs to Obama’s faithful elite like the old press secretary John Gibbs.  So be glad, some jobs have been created!

      First, looking at the unemployment numbers, the record breaking number of welfare recipients, the millions of food stamp collectors, we see the results of socialism which is a dependency on the state.  Cleverly created is a majority voting block organized for unproductivity, or inaction, or action to be unproductive to overload and bring ‘change’ to the system.  The 46% that is dependent on the government that Romney honestly alluded to but was whacked with blistering campaign ads is quickly becoming a reality.  European style socialism here we come!

     Secondly, it is interesting how these socialist organizations morph or evolve.  ACORN, the publically funded voter activist group that was found out to have committed several crimes, dissolved and reappeared under different names but with the same mission; promote progressive politics.  Obama himself was a community organizer that worked for ACORN at its inception and commissioned it to do census work before more scandal broke. 

     In conclusion,  we are heading down a slippery path when money buys an election, when our personal data flows freely to those who can manipulate it for their own purposes.  This is not ‘black helicopter’ stuff;  this occurred in the last election through big donors and  ‘data mining’.  Their purpose is power.  Their purpose is to use that power to fundamentally transform America.  Personally, I think the transformation I have witnessed is a sham and a detriment to our great nation.  And, in my humble opinion, A-Corn is something painful on your foot that drives you nuts until you cut it off!  That is why our founding fathers gave us a voting knife.

PS:  By the way….look through the last pages of your Saul Alynsky book for a nice title for a rules for radical role model organization.  Obama gave tribute to Alynsky when he named his new nonprofit 504(3C) based on Alynsky’s life work “Organization for Action”.  Read it and weep! 
 I also wonder how long he had to wait to get IRS to approval!!!    Not crying yet….here is information right off Obama’s website:
 Organizing for Action        Statement of Purpose

Organizing for Action is a nonprofit organization established to support President Obama in achieving enactment of the national agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012. OFA will advocate for these policies throughout the country and will mobilize citizens of all parties and diverse points to speak out for speedy passage and effective implementation of this program, including gun violence prevention, sensible environmental policies to address climate change and immigration reform. In addition, OFA will encourage the formation of chapters that will be dedicated at the grassroots level to this program, but also committed to identifying and working progressive change on a range of issues at the state and local level. In carrying its work, OFA will operate as a "social welfare" organization within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Mario diGesu                          Truth or Consequences                                 4.15.13

Monday, June 3, 2013

"Planned Parenthood?" Follow me on twitter @teapartypassion i-tunes song "17 Trillion"

                                                           Planned Parenthood?

This week is the 40th anniversary of the supreme court decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion and giving a women ‘rights’ she supposedly did not have regarding the care of her body. Since that time, 54 million young potential lives have been terminated. That is about one abortion every 90 seconds! Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer funded organization, received a record 542 million in tax payer dollars this year, almost half of their yearly budget. They have over 1.2 billion dollars in assets. It just so happens that this was a banner year for abortions in their very successful TAXPAYER funded organization.

Many of us don’t realize that decision was less about a women’s right to choose and more about a huge power grab by the federal government, increasing their control into our healthcare decisions. It was a victory for the progressive political march in America where bigger is better, progressive values will be your values, and the redefinition of morals change based on the advancement of their agenda. Guess what, in their world, towards the end of life, your right to life will be in their hands because they are now in the driver’s seat with the ‘Affordable’ Healthcare Act. And here’s a reality check: women throughout the ages have made that choice to carry or terminate a pregnancy. My grandmother was on an abortion table well before 1973 with my dad when she heard a voice inside say “Run!”. Let that sink in; my dad was minutes from losing his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. My grandma made a good choice, thank God! If Planned Parenthood was there for her to make it an easier ‘plan’, I would not be writing this.

I think woman have the right to make choices for their bodies, we all do. And we should make those decisions at our personal and financial expense so we learn as we go. There should be some personal responsibility and consequences so we, women and men, learn from our decisions and proceed with caution in our ability, and gift, to procreate.

I personally don’t like is my hard earned money going to ‘fix’ someone else’s parental planning decisions and, further, having my hard earned money terminate a young potential life without my consent. I don’t even feel obligated to provide ‘free’ contraception for their sexually active lifestyle (progressive ‘free’ = taxpayer funded). What about individual responsibility? What about taxpayer rights? And giving voice to those that cannot speak for themselves, what about the unborn’s Constitutional right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?

The federal government, funded by we the people, should not be in the abortion/contraception business, and it is a business! Don’t you see that our current culture has devalued life at several stages therefore decreasing its value at every stage; a simple harmless abortion, a drug overdose, a teen suicide, or an elementary school shooting massacre. Remember, nothing is free!

Mario diGesu                         Truth or Consequences                                  1.23.13