Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Out of the Ooze" ............................. Follow me on twitter : i-tunes song "17 Trillion"

Out of the Ooze

     Some of you may be thinking this will be about politics…sorry. As tempting as it is to connect this title to Chicago swampland politicians or my least favorite President, I will refrain.

     Out of the ooze came….Jazz! I went to a remarkable jazz concert in downtown Truth or Consequences featuring guitarist Joshua Breakstone and bassist Earl Sauls. While listening to their musical prowess, fierce progressions, beautiful harmonies, toe-tapping melodies, and occasional dissonance, I thought to myself, “Surely there is a Creator, as these men have reflected, wanting an audience with whomever will listen. Surely there is a God who loves us enough to communicate His thoughts to us by whatever means if we will take the focus off ourselves, surrender some time, listen, and receive.”

     There is a large segment in our secular society that is pushing the big bang theory and evolution in our colleges and schools. These evolutionist, convolutionist rather, fight armed with lefty lawyers, lots of money, and progressive change agents to remove any symbol of God or creation from the American homeland. Their goal, and they are succeeding, is to sweep our youth into this belief system of accidents, self-preservation, and unaccountability; go with the flow, if it feels good do it, hook up and hang out, nothing really matters because we are all out of the ooze.

     They can believe that nonsense but my 48 years have taught me better. We can follow common sense and the Designer or we can follow our sea of swarming chemicals. All that jazz and other creative works, our very existence, sings of a design and a Designer. In the 1800s, Maltbie Babcock wrote this song: “This is my Father’s world and to my listening ears, all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father’s world; I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, His hand the wonders wrought.”

     Wrought means worked into shape by artistry and effort.  These masterful musicians created beautiful music that transcended my being that evening in downtown Truth or Consequences.  They re-inspired meI  to be available, pliable, and usable. They reminded me, like an instrument in the Master’s hand, I have a purpose.

Mario diGesu                                     Truth or Consequences                                     6.6.13      

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