Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Hotel Tranformania" .........follow me on twitter @teapartypassion

Hotel Tranformania

The new movie “Hotel Transylvania” is an animation about how the human and monster world, Dracula, Frankenstein, and crew, overcome their differences and come together to live happily ever after.  Two totally different ideologies, light and dark, come together in a ‘kumbaya’ moment for world and underworld peace.  That of course is Hollywood and a cartoon to boot. 

It reminded me though of our very own White House,  Hotel Tranformania, that is also trying to bring together two very different ideologies so that we too can live happily ever after, even though many of us are squirming.  Most of us Americans have a different ideology than the current White House where we cling to our guns and our religion.  We have business and home budgets to balance to survive.  We show up at work every day, week in and week out, to make ends meet.  We are busy raising our kids in a responsible manner, wondering how bright their future will be.  And we live under Constitutional and Biblical principles that have been America’s guiding light for over two hundred years.

Civilizations rise and fall based on their ideology.  I am a firm believer in America’s traditional conservative ideology.  It has served this nation well.  I think we should check out of Hotel Tranformania, which is downright scary , and head to the affordable, made in America, Motel 6 where “they’ll leave the light on”.  When Count Obama and Smiling Joe Franken-Biden say they want to raise taxes and spread the wealth (translation:  “We want to suck your blood! Blah….blah, blah! ), we ought to believe them and vote for our lives!  A social engineering experiment and a monster mash on our founding principles could be the horror of horrors! 


Mario diGesu                                               Truth or Consequences                                          10.15.12

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