Saturday, June 15, 2013

“Let Me Be Clear” twitter.....@teapartypassion

“Let Me Be Clear”

     I can’t remember how many times I heard Obama say “let me be clear”; it makes me cringe every time like I am being spoken down to.    I believe one of the times he lowered this decree on the pliable masses he said, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”  Remember?  Well, I think I just got some snake oil!

     Interesting timing that just before his second term I should receive in the mail a notice from  my health insurance company that they are dropping my health plan due to the growing cost of healthcare.  Hmmmm…..never had that happen before and shouldn’t cost be going down according to 2000 pages of regulation!

     What sickens me is government intrusion in the private sector that is already regulated by the state that was working for the majority of us.  Instead of taking out the appendix, they are doing a multiple organ transplant…and they aren’t even physicians!  We should know from experience that government intrusion in the private sector is usually a boondoggle.  As we watch this mess unfold with healthcare exchanges, insurances, and disillusioned, soon to be retiring healthcare professionals scrambling for survival, let me be clear:  ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!   Instead of cutting the progressive socialist cancer out we gave it another dose of sugar.  There is hope though and it is the people of the USA rising up for Liberty’s call and Freedom’s sake before it is too late.  Some emergency medicine might be keeping the House and flipping the Senate!


Mario diGesu                               Truth or Consequences                           12.7.12

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