Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Chile con Carne" ............. Follow me on Twitter: Mario diGesu@teapartypassion

Chile con Carne

      One of my favorite Mexican dishes is chile con carne. Pondering the name reminded me of another dishful that is being served up for the American people: Chilly con Carney.

'     Chilling' is the description given to pressure applied to the Press that causes them to be more cautious, more quiet, less active, less vibrant. This occurs when the government becomes oppressive, intimidates, and treats its citizens and Press with a heavy hand. Jay 'Carney' is the White House press secretary. So, here is the recipe: add some beans, some Constitutional infringements, some Carney, some hot air, then allow to chill and whala…..Chilly con Carney!

      The recent investigation launched against Fox newsman James Rosen and several other Associated Press reporters by President Obama’s Justice Department was said to have had a ‘chilling effect’on news reporting in America. The head of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder, testified before Congress saying he had no involvement in the investigation and come to find out his signature is on the warrant. America’s top law enforcement official calls into question the integrity of others; now that is calling the kettle black! Mr. Carney and Mr. Holder, under the leadership of Mr.Obama, have put the 1st and 4thAmendments in their policy pressure cooker as they try to transform America into an unrecognizable stew.

      Mr. Carney, Mr. Holder, and Mr. Obama have been on the hot plate as the media’s love affair with this administration has finally chilled. I’d be lying if I said I did not enjoy the media finally turning up the heat on this administration and finally asking some tough questions. As the media was dead on arrival defending our right to bear arms, they have really come alive for their right to free speech. But, if the narcoleptic Press falls asleep at the dinner table again, We The People must stand up and defend the Constitution. Let me be clear (that’s Obama speak), this assault to chill the citizens through IRS intimidation and harassment, and its Press through unreasonable wire tapping, is unacceptable.
Mario diGesu                                      Truth or Consequences                                              6.10.13

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