Monday, June 3, 2013

"Planned Parenthood?" Follow me on twitter @teapartypassion i-tunes song "17 Trillion"

                                                           Planned Parenthood?

This week is the 40th anniversary of the supreme court decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion and giving a women ‘rights’ she supposedly did not have regarding the care of her body. Since that time, 54 million young potential lives have been terminated. That is about one abortion every 90 seconds! Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer funded organization, received a record 542 million in tax payer dollars this year, almost half of their yearly budget. They have over 1.2 billion dollars in assets. It just so happens that this was a banner year for abortions in their very successful TAXPAYER funded organization.

Many of us don’t realize that decision was less about a women’s right to choose and more about a huge power grab by the federal government, increasing their control into our healthcare decisions. It was a victory for the progressive political march in America where bigger is better, progressive values will be your values, and the redefinition of morals change based on the advancement of their agenda. Guess what, in their world, towards the end of life, your right to life will be in their hands because they are now in the driver’s seat with the ‘Affordable’ Healthcare Act. And here’s a reality check: women throughout the ages have made that choice to carry or terminate a pregnancy. My grandmother was on an abortion table well before 1973 with my dad when she heard a voice inside say “Run!”. Let that sink in; my dad was minutes from losing his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. My grandma made a good choice, thank God! If Planned Parenthood was there for her to make it an easier ‘plan’, I would not be writing this.

I think woman have the right to make choices for their bodies, we all do. And we should make those decisions at our personal and financial expense so we learn as we go. There should be some personal responsibility and consequences so we, women and men, learn from our decisions and proceed with caution in our ability, and gift, to procreate.

I personally don’t like is my hard earned money going to ‘fix’ someone else’s parental planning decisions and, further, having my hard earned money terminate a young potential life without my consent. I don’t even feel obligated to provide ‘free’ contraception for their sexually active lifestyle (progressive ‘free’ = taxpayer funded). What about individual responsibility? What about taxpayer rights? And giving voice to those that cannot speak for themselves, what about the unborn’s Constitutional right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?

The federal government, funded by we the people, should not be in the abortion/contraception business, and it is a business! Don’t you see that our current culture has devalued life at several stages therefore decreasing its value at every stage; a simple harmless abortion, a drug overdose, a teen suicide, or an elementary school shooting massacre. Remember, nothing is free!

Mario diGesu                         Truth or Consequences                                  1.23.13


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