Friday, May 31, 2013

Scouting for Boys?????? visit me on twitter : song on itunes:

Scouting for Boys?

     I will probably be stepping on some toes and glistening (GLSEN- Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) perspectives with this letter but enough is enough and something needs to be said on behalf of a time honored and respected organization called the Boy Scouts of America which does not currently promote homosexuality.  They are the most recent target of ‘progressives’ as demonstrated by a 1.4 million signature petition and a pre-super bowl admonition with the progressive poster child, President Obama.

     Obama pops out of the closet again as he states, “My attitude is that gay and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everyone else does in every institution and walk of life.”  Wow!  I wish he would have said that during his 2008 pre-election debate with Senator John McCain at Rick Warren’s Saddle Back Church!  And that he believed marriage was not between a man and a women but should be redefined to include homosexuals.  Come on now, is it really the president’s job to preach the rainbow message during super bowl when the jobless rate just went up, the economy just contracted, and we are quickly approaching a 17 trillion dollar debt?  No….but what a cleverly timed distraction, a quarterback sneak!

     I am sick and tired of individuals and groups using discrimination and inequality as a battle cry to smear and bring down individuals that don’t agree with them or time tested and respected institutions with some moral backbone.  Recently a business owner of a cake shop in Oregon refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple and now he finds himself embroiled in legal battles.  The Boy Scouts of America refuse to promote homosexuality and now they are in the cross hairs of a petition and a tongue lashing by the president of the United States.  Question:  What about our rights as an American or an American institution to stand up for what we believe in?  This is America!  Let those folks start their own business and bake their own cakes!  Let them start their own Rain-Boy Scouts!       

     Well, the moral degradation of a society does not work that way.  First it is this, then it is that, and then it will be something else.  It is called compromise for desire.  Remember Rome?  I see the redistribution of values and morals as America is “fundamentally transformed”.  The decay is evident when you turn on the TV,  go to a movie, read the newspaper, or talk with your neighbor.  What can be done?  Well, a starting point is getting out to vote for the 33 Senate seats and 435 House seats in 2014 and let your petitions and voice be heard!

Mario diGesu                                  Truth or Consequences                                        NM  

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