Friday, May 31, 2013

Scouting for Boys?????? visit me on twitter : song on itunes:

Scouting for Boys?

     I will probably be stepping on some toes and glistening (GLSEN- Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) perspectives with this letter but enough is enough and something needs to be said on behalf of a time honored and respected organization called the Boy Scouts of America which does not currently promote homosexuality.  They are the most recent target of ‘progressives’ as demonstrated by a 1.4 million signature petition and a pre-super bowl admonition with the progressive poster child, President Obama.

     Obama pops out of the closet again as he states, “My attitude is that gay and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everyone else does in every institution and walk of life.”  Wow!  I wish he would have said that during his 2008 pre-election debate with Senator John McCain at Rick Warren’s Saddle Back Church!  And that he believed marriage was not between a man and a women but should be redefined to include homosexuals.  Come on now, is it really the president’s job to preach the rainbow message during super bowl when the jobless rate just went up, the economy just contracted, and we are quickly approaching a 17 trillion dollar debt?  No….but what a cleverly timed distraction, a quarterback sneak!

     I am sick and tired of individuals and groups using discrimination and inequality as a battle cry to smear and bring down individuals that don’t agree with them or time tested and respected institutions with some moral backbone.  Recently a business owner of a cake shop in Oregon refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple and now he finds himself embroiled in legal battles.  The Boy Scouts of America refuse to promote homosexuality and now they are in the cross hairs of a petition and a tongue lashing by the president of the United States.  Question:  What about our rights as an American or an American institution to stand up for what we believe in?  This is America!  Let those folks start their own business and bake their own cakes!  Let them start their own Rain-Boy Scouts!       

     Well, the moral degradation of a society does not work that way.  First it is this, then it is that, and then it will be something else.  It is called compromise for desire.  Remember Rome?  I see the redistribution of values and morals as America is “fundamentally transformed”.  The decay is evident when you turn on the TV,  go to a movie, read the newspaper, or talk with your neighbor.  What can be done?  Well, a starting point is getting out to vote for the 33 Senate seats and 435 House seats in 2014 and let your petitions and voice be heard!

Mario diGesu                                  Truth or Consequences                                        NM  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The GOP Needs More. visit me on twitter song on itunes:

The GOP Needs More

     Some one recently wrote a letter to the editor intitled  “GOP needs more than an immigration reform plan”.   Describing herself as a Mexican American, she went on to bash the GOP for being insensitive to Latino issues, the poor and working class, and women’s rights.  She said Obama did not give gifts for votes.  And she said that unless the GOP can persuade her otherwise, she will continue to vote straight democrat.  I agree with her article title…. the GOP needs more than an immigration reform plan.  The Grand Old Party is not grand and is beyond old. 

     I was born and raised in New Mexico so I am familiar with illegal immigration and border issues.  I am an American American, kind of like a double expresso, verses a New Mexico Italian American with a sprig of German.  My grandparents just happen to be from Italy and Germany so I am familiar with how legal immigration works.  My ancestors were roamers and just happened to “discover  America” (Christopher Colombus for those rusty in history)  and got the ball rolling for this great nation we know today.  But that does not give Italians the right to float into America illegally,  go work available jobs, be educated, given healthcare and driver’s licenses nor receive payments of any type.  I think if a group of illegal immigrants popped some tents in our GOP haters yard and started banging on her door for sugar and medicine she would be quite alarmed and call law enforcement for their removal.

     The essence of my Chicana friend’s article is what is bringing this country down and making it unrecognizable as America.  She believes her and her kin are entitled to better jobs, higher wages, more benefits, illegal entry to the U.S., receive an education, free healthcare, free contraception and abortions on demand , all at the taxpayer expense.   Her vote is not value driven as she states and it is for sale to the party that can provide her with the most benefits as clearly stated in her article. Her vote is gift driven as Obama signed an executive order a few months before the election to benefit illegal immigrants.  Now tell me that is not a gift!!!  For the first three years of his term he did very little for Latinos except badger Arizona with law suits for enforcing their laws and protecting their borders.  A Univision interview with Obama prior to the election exposed his poor score card for Latinos.  Where are the Latinos in his cabinet and inner circle?  Less we forget, even the evil republican George Bush had Alberto Gonzalez on his team as head of the Justice department.     But where was the uproar when the Left successfully targeted this bright Latino?  Their charges can not be compared to the lawlessness of Eric Holder!  How come people of color can not see these sorts of things?  Perhaps it is not about color but power.

     I agree the GOP needs more than an immigration control plan.  They need to educate the receivers and the takers and get some of the entitlement and immigration reforms in place before there is no America to take from.  The GOP, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians need to be thinking about solutions and not hand outs for votes.  In 2014,  thirty three senate seats and 435 house of representative seats will be available to install patriotic, concerned, honest, courageous, selfless, and intelligent Americans to help bring the solutions we need.  Our current issues are huge and could possibly take the U.S. down.  How we reduce a 17 trillion dollar debt verses how the GOP can persuade me to their side should be the discussion.   Let’s take our eyes off of ourselves, our wants and our “needs”, and help get this country back on track.  It is our duty as American Americans!
Mario diGesu                                        Truth or Consequences                                         1.12.13

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

IGS: Internal Goon Service follow me on twitter: Mario diGesu@teapartypassion

IGS:  Internal Goon Service

     Many have asked me with surprise and disappointment in their voice,  “Where was the TEA Party in the 2012 presidential election?”  First, I would like to ask them, “Where were you?”  Secondly, I would say there were forces at work that suppressed and pushed this modern day patriotic marvel into hiding.

     My initial theory was that the media painted TEA Party Patriots in a bad light and many were discouraged from being actively involved because they did not want to be associated with the negative image put forth by the press;  basically crazy people with offensive signs and unwanted opinions.  The counterforce to the TEA Party, the Occupy Wall Street folks, who were pretty scary, abrasive, and in some instances criminal, emerged and, again, most mind-their-own-business-busy-at-work conservatives that were seeing the political light of day for the first time, ran back in their comfortable caves.

     The IRS apologized last week for delaying groups that applied for tax exempt status that had words like ‘TEA Party’ or ‘patriots’ in their application.  Some of the harassment began as early as 2009 when these Americans were asked to turn over email list, donor lists, political contacts and ambitions, only to still be denied 3 years later for a typical 6 month approval process.  Audits were also triggered in the process.

     My theory was close but now it is relatively clear why the TEA Party movement was weakened over the last three years:  the IRS!  Goons come to mind as they are people hired to rough someone up for money.  Miriam-Webster dictionary defines a goon as someone who is hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents.  I think an IRS tax audit or not approving your exemption status could certainly qualify.  I keep hearing these amazing bonuses IRS agents receive based on their “job performance”.  The goons also take the fall for “the Boss” so as to keep him away from prosecutable action.  Do we have a Chicago style goon squad in our government?  Will the trail lead to “the Boss”?  Will I escape an audit?

Mario diGesu                               Truth or Consequences                                       5.21.13

Friday, May 24, 2013



     For the fifth State of the Union address President Obama gave an oratorical, elevator, feel good, jab the opposition speech;  Dr. Ben Carson, a retiring head of neurosurgery at John Hopkins University, gave the State of the Union address at the National Day of Prayer breakfast.  Have any of you watched the movie ‘Gladiator’?   Well, it seemed to me, that Maximus, a  general who defied the  roman Caesar Commodus, stepped out into the coliseum that morning.  With the disinterested Commodus behind him and the people before him, Dr. Ben Carson, without a teleprompter, took down all the foes in the arena; a broken healthcare system, mounting debt, dysfunctional government, and even lawyers!  His common sense ideas and delivery were amazing!  If you watch CNN or MSNBC or the other progressive outlets you no doubt missed it, so google “Dr. Ben Carson’s National Day of Prayer Address”.  Google Commodus to read about the Caesar that led the beginning of the end of Rome!

     As I watch Obama parade himself in front of bleachers of Americans, the latest being first responders, he continues his relentless attack on those that oppose his policies.  I am reminded of Commodus, the Caesar that wanted to transform the Republic of Rome.  He wanted to be loved by the people and appeased the masses with free bread and entertaining gladiator games all the while discrediting, dividing, and dissolving the Senate.  He was the progressive of his time devaluing the currency and raising taxes for lavish living .  Rome was unraveling from the inside out.

     America has long needed a Maximus to step forward;  simple, eloquent, honest, resourceful, virtuous, no baggage nor skeletons, a deep concern for country, selfless, and a true patriot.  Someone that wants to restore America, The Republic, and bring power and hope and prosperity back to the people.  A gladiator has stepped into the arena;  Dr. Benjamin Carson, we the people salute you!

Mario diGesu              Truth or Consequences           NM                    2.20.13

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

House of Horrors!

House of Horrors!

    No, this is not about Obamacare, although it is scary.  This is a current court case about a Philadelphia  abortion clinic doctor who is on trial for eight counts of murder.   It is low profile because most of the media in our country is run by the progressive left who are mostly pro-choice and they really don’t think a black abortionist murder trial in the City of Brotherly Love is newsworthy;  so much for the news motto ‘if it bleeds, it leads.”  Now, had a right wing conservative murdered Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist, or perhaps blew up one of his many multimillion dollar making chop shops they call ‘clinics’, they would have had it plastered all over the news.  Is America so far gone we are willing to live with this blatant hypocrisy and left wing propaganda we are being fed, or not fed?  I hope not!  Turn off the TV and the cable news that is monitoring your every click, write them and complain!

     Now, House of Horrors is not my title.  It is the name of the actual court case document.  Glenn Beck and the Blaze News were responsible and brave enough to pick this story up and cover it.  I watched in horror as Beck presented evidence from the case, graphic pictures and testimony of the murders of full term babies just out of the womb, their spinal cords snipped at the neck and their feet cut off and put in jars.  I would encourage the uninformed to go to Glenn Beck’s expose on this atrocity at  or rent the movie ‘October Baby’ which is based on a true story.

     One more point on the hypocrisy and ‘atrocity of hope’ we are being sold about women’s reproductive rights.  During the recent parade and march against 2nd Amendment rights, the right to bear arms, our president said concerning the recent horrific school shooting, “ If even one child’s life can be saved, we need to act“.    For one child we would overturn the Constitution’s Second Amendment but for the thousands of born and unborn children murdered for reproductive rights by just one doctor we do nothing???  I do believe we have lost our mind and soul in America!  We the people need to act!
                         Mario diGesu   Truth or Consequences   NM      4.17.13

17 Trillion !

17 Trrrrrrillion!

This writing was inspired by the people in debt bondage throughout the ages, by Tennessee Earnie Ford who popularized the lyrics and melody of ’16 Tons’,  by a Ronstadt concert in Hillsboro, and by Pam Bauer’s writing workshop at Martha’s in Truth or Consequences where you never know what pleasant surprise awaits you!  It is dedicated to all American taxpayers, born and unborn, who are burdened, or will be, by the tyranny of taxes and the deluge of debt perpetuated by a broken and corrupt system in Washington, D.C..  Here goes:

Some people think the taxed are made outa money. 

Now a poor man’s made outa Washington honey; 

 Washington honey and the left media drone,             

 a mind that’s weak, but a vote that’s strong.      

     You have 17 trillion an whaddya get?        

     Another day older n’ deeper in debt.   

     Freedom is a calln’ but I can go,                                                                                                                   

     I owe my soul to the socialist store.     

I was born one morning when the sun didn’t shine,     

saddled with debt that wasn’t mine.          

Payed taxes on taxes till I could pay no more           

 while the politicians said “Well, bless my soul!”     

A ceiling was meant to keep you safe and dry,   

now they’re trying to raise it heaven high.           

Debt ceiling risin’ with tax code reams,            

 seems to me like a ponzi scheme!

I was born one morning in the drizzl’n rain,        

figth’n and trouble are my middle name.           

 I was raised to work, to be proud, and be free.  

 Now, the TEA Party is a call’n me.

American’s are stand’n and get’n involved,      
Enough is enough is our resolve,          

 Freedom is a call’n and We Will Go!            

We owe our soul to the America Store!             

God’s Store that is!

      I just spent the last few days preparing my taxes and I’m still not done!  There has got to be an easier way!   May your tax day be better than mine and may you be a pesky voice to those that keep wastefully spending our money and are not listening to our pleas for some common sense budgeting, debt control, and tax reform.  I do believe we are Taxed Enough Already!
itunes link if you want to hear the original live version on acoustic guitar:

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Birth and Death of Christianity

     I am no alarmist, conspiracy theorist, or Sean Hannity.  Most people that know me know that I am a reserved, quiet person.  But, when I was flipping through some radio channels and landed on a conservative talk show on my drive to work I became curious about some of the crazy things he was saying.  So I googled “Don Warden and Obama” and links galore popped up and I discovered this video called  “The Birth and Death of Christianity” by Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour  a.k.a.  Don Warden (google “The Birth and Death of Christianity”).  Now a brief history lesson:  Don Warden was a lawyer from San Francisco in the 1960’s who was an adviser for the Saudi government on oil issues and befriended the Saudi family.  He eventually became a Muslim and changed his name, as many Muslim converts do, to Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour .   Many of us probably have never heard of him but he is well known within the black community as a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an author, an international deal-maker, an educator, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and a founding father of the Black Panthers (google ‘black panthers and don warden’). 

     It is not well known but documented that Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, a Harvard graduate himself,  is the person that helped a young ambitious 25 year old by the name of Barak Hussein Obama  gain access to Harvard and perhaps this is why Obama’s school records are sealed up tight.  This may just be one more connection Obama does not want out in the open.  So much for transparency!

     I watched the you tube video featuring Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour talking to a primarily Muslim audience very persuasively on how Christianity arose, how it will die, and how Islam will take its place.  He weaves his anti-colonial,  anti-Israel, anti-American views with the passion and conviction of Reverend Wright, Obama’s pastor of 20  years, but under the banner of Islam instead of Liberation Theology.  See the video for yourself for a little shock and awe about the end game for America according to many in the Muslim world, yes, those angry mobs on your TV screen shouting “Death to America!”

     As a Christian, I have heard how the story ends.  I know there will be leaders and religions of deception and to watch it unfold in my lifetime is amazing.    This video is just one more questionable influence that Obama has in his resume.  It helps explain his bow to a Saudi King.  It helps explain his energy policy that is enriching the OPEC nations.  It helps explain his return of colonialist Winston Churchill’s bust back to England.  It helps explain the dismissal of a court case against the Black Panther  Party by the Justice Department (did I just say ‘Justice Department’ ? ).  It helps explain his odd tension with our long standing ally Israel.   And it helps explain his dealing with Muslim terrorist and Muslim nations with a sensitivity that is quite odd, the most  recent being the  ‘blasphemous American made’ video that surfaced and stirred the mobs to attack and take over our embassies in the middle east.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
     I can hear my parents say, “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are” and “with friends like that, who needs enemies.”  Who are Obamas friends?  Who mentored him and gave him a hand out on his way up?  America is heading down a slippery slope with a leader that has stated he wants to ‘transform America’.  Transform America into what?  I know what direction my vote is heading this election.  I can’t turn the other cheek and look the other way this election.  Your vote matters!  Get in the know and vote this election!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BENGHAZI GATE!  Uncovering Transparency

     I put that in caps because I just heard a prominent left wing media zombie say the Right is overly fixated and hyping the whole Benghazi thing.  “What does it matter?”, Hillary Clinton recently stated before congress.  Benghazi Libya is where four American diplomats were murdered in an Al Qaida terrorist attack on September 11th, 2012, two months before the presidential election.  Remember September 11th because the current administration forgot and the Islamic radicals remembered.  These enemies relish the thought of heaping gasoline on burning coals, and, because of the incompetence and failing policies of Obama,  they were successful.   I guess the campaign slogan “ Bin Laden is dead;  GM is alive” is not quite true. 

     The Watergate scandal happened when I was a kid but I still remember the negativity and shame that President Nixon brought on himself and the Republican party for lying and trying to cover-up a crime that would have advanced his political future.  A burglary, some wire taps, a cover-up, and he would ultimately resign.  Now enter Benghazi Gate;  will Obama and his crew meet a similar fate for a pre-election cover-up that cost the lives of four brave Americans?

     Three state department  ‘whistle blowers’ who were in Libya at the time were ordered to stand down during the attacks and were muzzled up until now.  These brave Americans recently testified to the cover-up  and  the many lies perpetuated by Obama, Hillary, Rice, and J. Carnie in the wake of the attacks and persisting to this day.  Hmmm…what does it matter?

     Well, in my world, the truth matters and lies have consequences.  In fact, I am reminded of this maxim daily as I work in Truth or Consequences and recite “Is it the Truth?” at Rotary every Tuesday.   If Nixon had looming impeachment proceedings and ultimately resigned for what he did, surely there is a reasonable justice that should fall on Obama and his circle of liars.   Let the truth stand up in America and corruption stand down!  Let justice and accountability fall on the transparent ones with our vote.