Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BENGHAZI GATE!  Uncovering Transparency

     I put that in caps because I just heard a prominent left wing media zombie say the Right is overly fixated and hyping the whole Benghazi thing.  “What does it matter?”, Hillary Clinton recently stated before congress.  Benghazi Libya is where four American diplomats were murdered in an Al Qaida terrorist attack on September 11th, 2012, two months before the presidential election.  Remember September 11th because the current administration forgot and the Islamic radicals remembered.  These enemies relish the thought of heaping gasoline on burning coals, and, because of the incompetence and failing policies of Obama,  they were successful.   I guess the campaign slogan “ Bin Laden is dead;  GM is alive” is not quite true. 

     The Watergate scandal happened when I was a kid but I still remember the negativity and shame that President Nixon brought on himself and the Republican party for lying and trying to cover-up a crime that would have advanced his political future.  A burglary, some wire taps, a cover-up, and he would ultimately resign.  Now enter Benghazi Gate;  will Obama and his crew meet a similar fate for a pre-election cover-up that cost the lives of four brave Americans?

     Three state department  ‘whistle blowers’ who were in Libya at the time were ordered to stand down during the attacks and were muzzled up until now.  These brave Americans recently testified to the cover-up  and  the many lies perpetuated by Obama, Hillary, Rice, and J. Carnie in the wake of the attacks and persisting to this day.  Hmmm…what does it matter?

     Well, in my world, the truth matters and lies have consequences.  In fact, I am reminded of this maxim daily as I work in Truth or Consequences and recite “Is it the Truth?” at Rotary every Tuesday.   If Nixon had looming impeachment proceedings and ultimately resigned for what he did, surely there is a reasonable justice that should fall on Obama and his circle of liars.   Let the truth stand up in America and corruption stand down!  Let justice and accountability fall on the transparent ones with our vote.


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