Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The GOP Needs More. visit me on twitter song on itunes:

The GOP Needs More

     Some one recently wrote a letter to the editor intitled  “GOP needs more than an immigration reform plan”.   Describing herself as a Mexican American, she went on to bash the GOP for being insensitive to Latino issues, the poor and working class, and women’s rights.  She said Obama did not give gifts for votes.  And she said that unless the GOP can persuade her otherwise, she will continue to vote straight democrat.  I agree with her article title…. the GOP needs more than an immigration reform plan.  The Grand Old Party is not grand and is beyond old. 

     I was born and raised in New Mexico so I am familiar with illegal immigration and border issues.  I am an American American, kind of like a double expresso, verses a New Mexico Italian American with a sprig of German.  My grandparents just happen to be from Italy and Germany so I am familiar with how legal immigration works.  My ancestors were roamers and just happened to “discover  America” (Christopher Colombus for those rusty in history)  and got the ball rolling for this great nation we know today.  But that does not give Italians the right to float into America illegally,  go work available jobs, be educated, given healthcare and driver’s licenses nor receive payments of any type.  I think if a group of illegal immigrants popped some tents in our GOP haters yard and started banging on her door for sugar and medicine she would be quite alarmed and call law enforcement for their removal.

     The essence of my Chicana friend’s article is what is bringing this country down and making it unrecognizable as America.  She believes her and her kin are entitled to better jobs, higher wages, more benefits, illegal entry to the U.S., receive an education, free healthcare, free contraception and abortions on demand , all at the taxpayer expense.   Her vote is not value driven as she states and it is for sale to the party that can provide her with the most benefits as clearly stated in her article. Her vote is gift driven as Obama signed an executive order a few months before the election to benefit illegal immigrants.  Now tell me that is not a gift!!!  For the first three years of his term he did very little for Latinos except badger Arizona with law suits for enforcing their laws and protecting their borders.  A Univision interview with Obama prior to the election exposed his poor score card for Latinos.  Where are the Latinos in his cabinet and inner circle?  Less we forget, even the evil republican George Bush had Alberto Gonzalez on his team as head of the Justice department.     But where was the uproar when the Left successfully targeted this bright Latino?  Their charges can not be compared to the lawlessness of Eric Holder!  How come people of color can not see these sorts of things?  Perhaps it is not about color but power.

     I agree the GOP needs more than an immigration control plan.  They need to educate the receivers and the takers and get some of the entitlement and immigration reforms in place before there is no America to take from.  The GOP, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians need to be thinking about solutions and not hand outs for votes.  In 2014,  thirty three senate seats and 435 house of representative seats will be available to install patriotic, concerned, honest, courageous, selfless, and intelligent Americans to help bring the solutions we need.  Our current issues are huge and could possibly take the U.S. down.  How we reduce a 17 trillion dollar debt verses how the GOP can persuade me to their side should be the discussion.   Let’s take our eyes off of ourselves, our wants and our “needs”, and help get this country back on track.  It is our duty as American Americans!
Mario diGesu                                        Truth or Consequences                                         1.12.13

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