Monday, May 20, 2013

The Birth and Death of Christianity

     I am no alarmist, conspiracy theorist, or Sean Hannity.  Most people that know me know that I am a reserved, quiet person.  But, when I was flipping through some radio channels and landed on a conservative talk show on my drive to work I became curious about some of the crazy things he was saying.  So I googled “Don Warden and Obama” and links galore popped up and I discovered this video called  “The Birth and Death of Christianity” by Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour  a.k.a.  Don Warden (google “The Birth and Death of Christianity”).  Now a brief history lesson:  Don Warden was a lawyer from San Francisco in the 1960’s who was an adviser for the Saudi government on oil issues and befriended the Saudi family.  He eventually became a Muslim and changed his name, as many Muslim converts do, to Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour .   Many of us probably have never heard of him but he is well known within the black community as a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an author, an international deal-maker, an educator, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and a founding father of the Black Panthers (google ‘black panthers and don warden’). 

     It is not well known but documented that Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, a Harvard graduate himself,  is the person that helped a young ambitious 25 year old by the name of Barak Hussein Obama  gain access to Harvard and perhaps this is why Obama’s school records are sealed up tight.  This may just be one more connection Obama does not want out in the open.  So much for transparency!

     I watched the you tube video featuring Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour talking to a primarily Muslim audience very persuasively on how Christianity arose, how it will die, and how Islam will take its place.  He weaves his anti-colonial,  anti-Israel, anti-American views with the passion and conviction of Reverend Wright, Obama’s pastor of 20  years, but under the banner of Islam instead of Liberation Theology.  See the video for yourself for a little shock and awe about the end game for America according to many in the Muslim world, yes, those angry mobs on your TV screen shouting “Death to America!”

     As a Christian, I have heard how the story ends.  I know there will be leaders and religions of deception and to watch it unfold in my lifetime is amazing.    This video is just one more questionable influence that Obama has in his resume.  It helps explain his bow to a Saudi King.  It helps explain his energy policy that is enriching the OPEC nations.  It helps explain his return of colonialist Winston Churchill’s bust back to England.  It helps explain the dismissal of a court case against the Black Panther  Party by the Justice Department (did I just say ‘Justice Department’ ? ).  It helps explain his odd tension with our long standing ally Israel.   And it helps explain his dealing with Muslim terrorist and Muslim nations with a sensitivity that is quite odd, the most  recent being the  ‘blasphemous American made’ video that surfaced and stirred the mobs to attack and take over our embassies in the middle east.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
     I can hear my parents say, “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are” and “with friends like that, who needs enemies.”  Who are Obamas friends?  Who mentored him and gave him a hand out on his way up?  America is heading down a slippery slope with a leader that has stated he wants to ‘transform America’.  Transform America into what?  I know what direction my vote is heading this election.  I can’t turn the other cheek and look the other way this election.  Your vote matters!  Get in the know and vote this election!

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