Friday, May 24, 2013



     For the fifth State of the Union address President Obama gave an oratorical, elevator, feel good, jab the opposition speech;  Dr. Ben Carson, a retiring head of neurosurgery at John Hopkins University, gave the State of the Union address at the National Day of Prayer breakfast.  Have any of you watched the movie ‘Gladiator’?   Well, it seemed to me, that Maximus, a  general who defied the  roman Caesar Commodus, stepped out into the coliseum that morning.  With the disinterested Commodus behind him and the people before him, Dr. Ben Carson, without a teleprompter, took down all the foes in the arena; a broken healthcare system, mounting debt, dysfunctional government, and even lawyers!  His common sense ideas and delivery were amazing!  If you watch CNN or MSNBC or the other progressive outlets you no doubt missed it, so google “Dr. Ben Carson’s National Day of Prayer Address”.  Google Commodus to read about the Caesar that led the beginning of the end of Rome!

     As I watch Obama parade himself in front of bleachers of Americans, the latest being first responders, he continues his relentless attack on those that oppose his policies.  I am reminded of Commodus, the Caesar that wanted to transform the Republic of Rome.  He wanted to be loved by the people and appeased the masses with free bread and entertaining gladiator games all the while discrediting, dividing, and dissolving the Senate.  He was the progressive of his time devaluing the currency and raising taxes for lavish living .  Rome was unraveling from the inside out.

     America has long needed a Maximus to step forward;  simple, eloquent, honest, resourceful, virtuous, no baggage nor skeletons, a deep concern for country, selfless, and a true patriot.  Someone that wants to restore America, The Republic, and bring power and hope and prosperity back to the people.  A gladiator has stepped into the arena;  Dr. Benjamin Carson, we the people salute you!

Mario diGesu              Truth or Consequences           NM                    2.20.13

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