Wednesday, May 22, 2013

House of Horrors!

House of Horrors!

    No, this is not about Obamacare, although it is scary.  This is a current court case about a Philadelphia  abortion clinic doctor who is on trial for eight counts of murder.   It is low profile because most of the media in our country is run by the progressive left who are mostly pro-choice and they really don’t think a black abortionist murder trial in the City of Brotherly Love is newsworthy;  so much for the news motto ‘if it bleeds, it leads.”  Now, had a right wing conservative murdered Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist, or perhaps blew up one of his many multimillion dollar making chop shops they call ‘clinics’, they would have had it plastered all over the news.  Is America so far gone we are willing to live with this blatant hypocrisy and left wing propaganda we are being fed, or not fed?  I hope not!  Turn off the TV and the cable news that is monitoring your every click, write them and complain!

     Now, House of Horrors is not my title.  It is the name of the actual court case document.  Glenn Beck and the Blaze News were responsible and brave enough to pick this story up and cover it.  I watched in horror as Beck presented evidence from the case, graphic pictures and testimony of the murders of full term babies just out of the womb, their spinal cords snipped at the neck and their feet cut off and put in jars.  I would encourage the uninformed to go to Glenn Beck’s expose on this atrocity at  or rent the movie ‘October Baby’ which is based on a true story.

     One more point on the hypocrisy and ‘atrocity of hope’ we are being sold about women’s reproductive rights.  During the recent parade and march against 2nd Amendment rights, the right to bear arms, our president said concerning the recent horrific school shooting, “ If even one child’s life can be saved, we need to act“.    For one child we would overturn the Constitution’s Second Amendment but for the thousands of born and unborn children murdered for reproductive rights by just one doctor we do nothing???  I do believe we have lost our mind and soul in America!  We the people need to act!
                         Mario diGesu   Truth or Consequences   NM      4.17.13

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