Wednesday, May 22, 2013

17 Trillion !

17 Trrrrrrillion!

This writing was inspired by the people in debt bondage throughout the ages, by Tennessee Earnie Ford who popularized the lyrics and melody of ’16 Tons’,  by a Ronstadt concert in Hillsboro, and by Pam Bauer’s writing workshop at Martha’s in Truth or Consequences where you never know what pleasant surprise awaits you!  It is dedicated to all American taxpayers, born and unborn, who are burdened, or will be, by the tyranny of taxes and the deluge of debt perpetuated by a broken and corrupt system in Washington, D.C..  Here goes:

Some people think the taxed are made outa money. 

Now a poor man’s made outa Washington honey; 

 Washington honey and the left media drone,             

 a mind that’s weak, but a vote that’s strong.      

     You have 17 trillion an whaddya get?        

     Another day older n’ deeper in debt.   

     Freedom is a calln’ but I can go,                                                                                                                   

     I owe my soul to the socialist store.     

I was born one morning when the sun didn’t shine,     

saddled with debt that wasn’t mine.          

Payed taxes on taxes till I could pay no more           

 while the politicians said “Well, bless my soul!”     

A ceiling was meant to keep you safe and dry,   

now they’re trying to raise it heaven high.           

Debt ceiling risin’ with tax code reams,            

 seems to me like a ponzi scheme!

I was born one morning in the drizzl’n rain,        

figth’n and trouble are my middle name.           

 I was raised to work, to be proud, and be free.  

 Now, the TEA Party is a call’n me.

American’s are stand’n and get’n involved,      
Enough is enough is our resolve,          

 Freedom is a call’n and We Will Go!            

We owe our soul to the America Store!             

God’s Store that is!

      I just spent the last few days preparing my taxes and I’m still not done!  There has got to be an easier way!   May your tax day be better than mine and may you be a pesky voice to those that keep wastefully spending our money and are not listening to our pleas for some common sense budgeting, debt control, and tax reform.  I do believe we are Taxed Enough Already!
itunes link if you want to hear the original live version on acoustic guitar:

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