Tuesday, May 28, 2013

IGS: Internal Goon Service follow me on twitter: Mario diGesu@teapartypassion

IGS:  Internal Goon Service

     Many have asked me with surprise and disappointment in their voice,  “Where was the TEA Party in the 2012 presidential election?”  First, I would like to ask them, “Where were you?”  Secondly, I would say there were forces at work that suppressed and pushed this modern day patriotic marvel into hiding.

     My initial theory was that the media painted TEA Party Patriots in a bad light and many were discouraged from being actively involved because they did not want to be associated with the negative image put forth by the press;  basically crazy people with offensive signs and unwanted opinions.  The counterforce to the TEA Party, the Occupy Wall Street folks, who were pretty scary, abrasive, and in some instances criminal, emerged and, again, most mind-their-own-business-busy-at-work conservatives that were seeing the political light of day for the first time, ran back in their comfortable caves.

     The IRS apologized last week for delaying groups that applied for tax exempt status that had words like ‘TEA Party’ or ‘patriots’ in their application.  Some of the harassment began as early as 2009 when these Americans were asked to turn over email list, donor lists, political contacts and ambitions, only to still be denied 3 years later for a typical 6 month approval process.  Audits were also triggered in the process.

     My theory was close but now it is relatively clear why the TEA Party movement was weakened over the last three years:  the IRS!  Goons come to mind as they are people hired to rough someone up for money.  Miriam-Webster dictionary defines a goon as someone who is hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents.  I think an IRS tax audit or not approving your exemption status could certainly qualify.  I keep hearing these amazing bonuses IRS agents receive based on their “job performance”.  The goons also take the fall for “the Boss” so as to keep him away from prosecutable action.  Do we have a Chicago style goon squad in our government?  Will the trail lead to “the Boss”?  Will I escape an audit?

Mario diGesu                               Truth or Consequences                                       5.21.13

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