Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Christmas Challenge for Challenging times....................................@teapartypassion

December 25, 2014

 Hello Dear Friends,

     This has been a very challenging time for my family this past year.  Among the challenges, my brother Mark passed the end of the summer.  My brother and I were close growing up; we had to be as we were roommates for most of our childhood.  But, as time passed, we grew apart and there was a lot of distance; he had his life and I had mine and it just seemed best to avoid tension by maintaining the space.  I justified the distance in my mind but there should ALWAYS be room to love a little more, a little deeper.  

      And so I join the ranks of those who have lost close loved ones.  We simply don’t understand what others endure until we have walked in their shoes.   That simple fact should not grant a pass but should give us pause as we try to understand and get along with our fellow sojourners.  Although easier said than done, compassion should guide our steps as we walk this world towards the next, all the while thanking God for the rugged Cross that comforts us as we pass through towards brighter and better days. 

     Holidays always bring back a rush of memories from the past; a smell, a sound, a place.  Those memories may be good or they may be bad.  My challenge is to embrace and let go; always allowing the good memories to linger.   As this holiday season unfolds, my prayer is that we all will have a deeper appreciation for each other, living in the moment and resolving the past in our minds, in our words, and in our actions.  This holiday season my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones.  May Gods peace console us, may good memories cheer us, and may the knowledge of a future hope and a full restoration of body and spirit give us strength for each new day.  Joy comes in the morning!

God’s rich blessings of comfort and joy on you and yours this Christmas as we all love a little deeper!


Mario diGesu



Friday, October 31, 2014



     Politics is scary!   And it seems there is a connection between Halloween and Election Day.  Politicians are covering up and coming out in full costume. There is dark, evil music playing in the background while the candidates are demonized.  There are treats and promises paraded before us, usually resulting in a policy or regulation trick we later regret.   And, the

White House, turned haunted house, gobbles up our children’s future, spooks our security, and chains our freedom.  The horror of it all causes our minds to race, our hearts to beat faster, and our stomachs to turn.

     Sadly, it becomes taboo for us to confront the cover ups and trickery head on because someone might be offended by our perspective or voice.  Bringing up politics is frowned upon at our jobs, at church, in our schools, at our business meetings, and even with our neighbors across the road for fear of stepping on toes or having a disagreement.

     Unfortunately, politics is a necessary evil.  In place of a king or queen, a dictator or a czar, we in America have a political system where citizens reach into a competition bag and pull out politicians each election cycle.  It is almost as predictable as bobbing for apples but it is self-governance!  We the people are ultimately responsible each election to engage each other and voice our opinions and values through our vote or risk losing freedom and liberty.

     So, no more silence of the lambs!  Break a few taboos and don’t fear to face off with those who might not care to know you care; get a little scary.  In a kind and diplomatic way, discuss the issues facing our Country.  We are not interested in a blame game or conflict but dialogue and solutions.  We know illegal aliens, dead people, and zombie-like voters find a way to vote so those of us who are alive and care about our future need to flock to the polls in greater numbers.  I believe legitimate voters driven by commonsense and positive communication instead of political correctness and silence can break the spell that has bewitched, demonized, and bound America.

Song 'I Love America!'

Mario diGesu                                      Truth or Consequences, NM                         10.31.14

Friday, October 17, 2014

No Excuses!.........................................................@teapartypassion..............................................................................Song 'I Love America!' ......................... Song '17 Trillion'

    No Excuses!

     I forgot.  I had to work.  The line was too long.   I did not register.
I didn’t know I could vote early.  I can’t afford an I.D. or transportation
to get me to the Motor Vehicle Department.  I don’t like the candidates.  I
don’t care.
     These are some of the common excuses we hear from Americans that are
not voting.  As a hardworking, taxpaying, community serving American, I am
embarrassed that there are still people in our country that are not educated
in the process of voting and on the history and voting records of the
candidates.  I am embarrassed that I waited until my thirties to vote and
get involved!
     We get the government we vote for.  If you like it, vote in the same
candidates or stay at home.  If you don’t like it, make the effort to vote
and possibly change things for the better.
     Our County Clerk’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. for early voting.  They are even open during lunch!  You can
vote absentee.   They have voter guides in Spanish and English.  You can go
online to and download a sample ballot that has all of
the candidates, bond questions, and Constitutional amendments or you can ask
for a sample ballot at their office.   By getting the sample ballot ahead of
time, you can prepare yourself so you vote for what you really want and are
not rushed to read through the fine print and fill out a party bubble.
     So, NO EXCUSES!  Well, there is one good excuse for not voting; you
have not taken the time to educate yourself on the issues and the
candidates.  Any elementary student can fill out ballot bubbles next to an
American flag or
eagle.  It takes an aware, caring, concerned American citizen to take the
time to affect policy and leadership in America.
      One of our many blessings in the United States, designed by our
founding Fathers and Mothers and secured by our veterans,  is the right to
vote.  As they say with things you love and want to keep working, healthy,
and strong, use it or lose it!

Mario diGesu                     Truth or Consequences NM                               10.15.14

Monday, October 6, 2014

All Aboard!......................................................................................@teapartypassion

                                     All Aboard!

     When I hear the word platform I think about a train station where all the people gather just before they step onto the train that will take them on a journey.  Most of the people have a final destination in mind although there are always those that are just going along for the ride.  But, the platform is that secure place that allows travelers to double check where they are going just before they get rolling.

     Likewise, a political platform is that firm foundation that a political party has agreed to at its yearly convention.  It contains specific key principles and core values that are designed in a committee and then agreed on at a state convention by the delegates.  These key principles and core values then become 'tierra firma' for that political party which allows voters to know what platform they will be standing on before the political train takes off on the journey that will affect their livelihoods and their future.

     I attended the Republican Convention this year as a delegate and I was very impressed with the New Mexico Republican Platform.  May I suggest you google it right now, as well as the New Mexico Democrat Platform, and then compare the two.  Which platform do you believe contains specific principles and core values that will bring New Mexicans stability, security, and success? If each state adopts those specific principles and core values, and votes in politicians who are held to account, do you think America might get back on track?

     So, which foundation will you choose on Election Day?  When the newly elected politicians holler, “All aboard!”,  I think we all want to know that we are on the right platform heading in the right direction toward a prosperous future for our families, our fellow Citizens, and the United States of America.  Know your State's Party Platform and vote wisely!

         Mario diGesu                      Truth or Consequences, NM                                       10.6.14


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Patriot’s Day

                                                                        Patriot’s Day

     The tragedy of September 11th 2001 ushers in the recognition of Patriot’s Day each year on 9/11.  This year I am thinking about what makes one a patriot?

     What would some say is unpatriotic?  Presidential candidate Senator Obama in 2008 declared raising the national debt and U.S. companies shipping business overseas was unpatriotic.   Some atheists have their view of unpatriotic as some groups have brought lawsuits for saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  Evidently, they feel ‘one nation under God’ excludes them from saying the pledge making them appear unpatriotic.  I find these declarations of patriotism hypocritical and childish at best.

     What would some say is patriotic?  As Patriot’s Day is before me, I am thinking of the Americans who served in Benghazi, Libya, at the consulate on September 11th, 2012, just before the November presidential elections.   Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods gave their lives in service to our country in the dangerous world of Islamic extremism and political correctness; the very same Islamic extremism and political correctness that brought us the first terrorist attacks of 9/11 and now the rise of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

     Brett Baier on Fox News recently interviewed contributors of the new book ’13 Hours’.   ‘13 Hours’ presents the un-gagged true account of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special Mission Compound in Benghazi.  A team of six patriotic American security operators fought to repel the attackers and protect the Americans stationed there for over 13 hours.  Those men went beyond the call of duty, performing extraordinary acts of courage and heroism. 

          What makes one a true patriot?  I believe the Americans at Benghazi definitely demonstrated true patriotism and we honor their sacrifice on Patriot’s Day.    I believe patriotism is service to our citizens and country, sacrifice for fellow Americans, and living the American dream to our best potential.  And, with my whole heart, I believe true patriots “pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.”


Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences   NM                                              9.11.14

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Missouri Loves Company?

                                                      Missouri Loves Company?

      As we approach another election, oddly we have another Occupy Wall Street-like situation. The Occupy Wall Street anarchy was a well timed, well funded, and well organized protest by the progressive Left to shift media conversation from Obama’s failed policies from 2008 to 2012 to the evil 1% Wall Street minority that were somehow responsible for America’s woes. Their protest rhetoric implied wealthy white people needed to redistribute their ill got gains for the purpose of social justice. Oddly, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was a rich white businessman affiliated with Wall Street. Their negative attack ads and their war of occupation were very effective; they smeared a rather nice guy with an impeccable family and business record and won an election.

     Now we had an event in Ferguson, Missouri, where a large 18 year old who had just robbed a store was confronted by police and was subsequently shot and killed. It just so happened the youth was black and the officer white or the story might not have even made it past the Missouri state news.

     The same bad behavior we saw in Occupy Wall Street is evident now; lawlessness, looting, and violent protests. Left wing organizer rebel-rousers like Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have joined the fray as if Missouri loves their company. With these same talking heads at the lead, it seems we’ve made absolutely no progress since the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement to now as these racial tensions are inflamed.

     All Americans should keep their eye on the election golf ball! Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama have now weighed in with the full force of the federal government. Instead of intervening as unbiased American leadership, they’re intervening as empathetic black men that fully understand the plight of those that simply got caught in the web of an unfair, discriminatory, and repressive homeland. What a perfectly timed war on America!

       America is not perfect but she has prided herself on a motto of ‘Liberty and Justice for All’ and with those come responsibility and accountability; transform that and America is lost.

Mario diGesu              @teapartypassion                Truth or Consequences NM                   8.20.14

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014



     Most folks enjoy a good party; everyone puts their best foot forward, food and spirits are flowing,  music is playing, and elbows are rubbing as party goers catch up on what’s what and who’s who.

     I suspect this happens at most of the political fundraisers that are happening at any moment across America.  Perhaps that is why we call these groups ‘political parties’.     Perhaps that is why people of money, influence, and power are drawn to lead these political fiestas.

     As the border crisis unfolded, I could not help but wonder how certain people of influence responded;   President Obama(Democrat) was invited by  Texas Governor Rick Perry (Republican) to come down and see for himself  this ‘Katrina moment’ of human calamity.  Obama declined choosing instead to attend political campaign fundraisers in Texas.  These ‘fat-cat’ campaign fiestas range from $10,000 to $30,000 a plate with all the food, alcohol, and hob knobbing one can consume.  I imagine high dollar donors got a photo-op with the photo-op Selfie and Chief  who does not do photo-ops for political purposes, except for political campaign events when the price is right!  Our President, responsible for our border security, was AWOL on the wall choosing parties and party lines over compassion and leadership. 

     On the other side of the political spectrum, Glenn Beck (Conservative Libertarian ) and his         Mercury One nonprofit  organization was delivering loads of food, clothing, and toys to the children in need.  Glenn Beck did not do this for a photo-op but because he felt in his heart of hearts it was the right thing to do.  Come to think of it, how wonderful if Obama and the Democrat party would have had a heart of hearts moment and announce that all the money they had collected in those few days of fundraising would go to charities like Mercury One to help relieve the suffering of the border children.

    When an ordinary citizen outshines the President of the United States and the largest money making machine in political history, the Democrat Party, during a humanitarian crisis, you know something is awry with this president and his political party.  

 Mario diGesu         PO Box 3685      Truth or Consequences   NM    87901     575-744-5947


Wednesday, July 23, 2014



     President Obama’s idealistic unreasonable responses driven by his liberal progressive ideology concerning the current Middle East, Russia, and border crises remind me of the American rock band song ‘Desparado’ by The Eagle’s.    The first verse reads:     “Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?  You’ve been out ridin’ fences for so long now.  Oh, you’re a hard one but I know that you got your reasons.  These things that are pleasin’ you can hurt you somehow.”

      Many of our current leaders, presidents, senators, congressmen, and judges, have been ridin’ political fences for so long now they have minimal commonsense and are more driven by their ideology of ‘progress’ and the pleasure of unbridled power.   They have these whimsical ideas of how things should be and forget the history and science of what is.  They have been hardened by roaming the range of ‘higher education’ , many lawyers, believing they have the way which gives them reasons for what they are doing but, the end result, as we watch and can testify, is a runaway wagon train heading off a cliff.

     Many of these folks don’t subscribe to Christianity or traditional American values and want to undermine their influence in our culture.   With the fervor of religious crusaders, they want to banish Christian symbols, abolish prayers in schools, obstruct free speech of Conservatives, and control our health and wellbeing with a cleverly disguised Trojan horse we now call Obama Care.   Meanwhile, they impose their utopian fiats like education through Common Core, gun registries, stiffer environmental protection standards, contraceptive mandates, and debt ceiling increases which cause our futures to disappear like ghost riders in the sky.  Sadly, the chaos gallops on.

     The desperation of progressivism can be found in more of the song:  “Now it seems to me, some fine things have been laid upon your table but you only want the ones that you can’t get.”  As Americans,  some fine things have been laid upon our table.  I am so grateful to live in this amazing nation.  But, I can hardly recognize America anymore as our desperado leaders have traded what was on our table for a dream that we can never get, nor would want to get.

 Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                      7.23.14

Thursday, July 10, 2014

4 More Billion Served

4 More Billion Served
     I think the United States should adopt the McDonald’s motto “billions and billions served” as President Obama asks the loosy-goosy impotent Congress for another lump of taxpayer sugar, 3.7 billion lumps to be exact, for the illegal immigrant crisis that has been brewing for over a year now.  And so, the never ending political cycle begins again by wasting taxpayer money on a crisis and demonizing those Americans who are furious and vocal about wasteful big government spending, unsecure borders, and the disintegration of our Constitutional rule of law.
         The current  border crisis created by Obama’s persistent amnesty demands and handouts can be likened to the movie ‘Alien’ where critters keep popping out of the host (that be the middleclass American taxpayer!).  Perhaps this is a crude analogy, but watching the border debacle unfold, it seems now to be most appropriate; our border situation is out of control, it is scary, we can run but we cannot hide, and people are going to suffer, get injured, and possibly die!
     I lay the blame of the current crisis squarely at Obama’s golf shoes, I mean feet.  He had a chance to be a president different but instead chose to play partisan politics and follow the progressive liberal socialist Democrat agenda designed to reengineer and transform America.  First, with a stroke of his mighty pen, around August of 2013 he unilaterally implemented parts of the fiesta Dream Act for children of illegals that has consistently been rejected by Congress.  Secondly, in May of 2014, Obama via Eric Holder’s Department of Justice released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens.  Now, if those aren’t calls to come to America illegally, I don’t know what are!
         I hate scary horror films and ‘Alien’ was no exception.  And, I hate the fact that America has multiplying human and ideological parasites feasting on its vitality, freedom, and life force.   A billion served here and a billion served there comes right out of the taxpayer's pockets and into the political abyss.  In conclusion, for our science loving progressive liberals, take a  lesson from nature and remember that eventually every host succumbs to the parasite unless the parasite is promptly removed.
Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences                                    7.9.14

Sunday, July 6, 2014



     I just heard that Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of the movie ‘Obama’s America’, recently pleaded guilty to illegal campaign financing and awaits sentencing in September.  D’Souza is no doubt a political enemy of President Obama as he made the largest grossing documentary on Barak Hussein Obama from a young man, to community organizer, to congress, and then to president.  It appears D’Souza became a trophy target after his prophetic documentary gained wide popularity before and after the 2012 elections. 

     Targeting of Conservatives seems to be common practice for the federal government under Obama these days.  Not too long ago, another Conservative who spoke openly about his views in front of Obama at a prayer breakfast, Dr. Ben Carson, was oddly audited by the IRS shortly after.  Talk about chilling!  Fortunately, the federal government did not find anything against him but it sure looks fishy when someone speaks against this administration and they find themselves in a shark tank.

          I don’t condone D’Souza’s missteps with breaking ‘the law’ but we should want ‘the law’ to be upheld in fairness in EVERY case.  What I can’t wrap my mind around is how 36,000 criminal ‘illegals’, 600 of those convicted felons, be released back onto our streets last year with Obama’s blessing?  How does a tax generating and contributing member of society, a film producer and scholar who gave additional money to a senate campaign, face a huge fine and up to two years in prison while convicted felons roam our streets?  How can this citizen of the United States lose his right to vote, carry a firearm, and hold public office while literally thousands who have seriously broken the law not be held to account, or at least be sent back to the country they came from? 

     It appears our current leaders are looking after voter blocks instead of our city blocks.  And, if you speak your mind and become a roadblock to the liberal progressive machine, you may be looking out of a cell block down the road.  This is very chilling indeed!
    We must not let this oppression keep us Conservatives down! Go see Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 'America!' and be re-inspired by American exceptionalism!  Get involved on a grassroots local level to affect change in our communities.  As our Conservative leaders move into community leadership, they will go on to lead at the state and national levels.  That is what the Democrats have successfully done and there is no reason why we cannot do the same!

     Mario diGesu                                    Truth or Consequences                                              7.6.14

Thursday, July 3, 2014

OBAMA CRUSH................................................................................................................................@teapartypassion


      If a ‘crushed’ TEA Party falls in the political forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?  According to President Obama, the insignificant TEA Party is making more noise than it should and he wants the Republican Party to start playing deaf.

     It brought me great joy to hear Obama mention the virtually extinct TEA Party in his recent             Rose Garden address on immigration reform.  Obama was ridiculing the Republican Party for aligning itself with such a radical obstructionist group that wants secure borders and lawful immigration.  He was noticeably peeved that anyone would stand against his perfect, caring, socialist, taxpayer funded, Democrat vote-generating plan.

          In his speech, Obama clearly targeted TEA Party groups just as disgraced IRS official Louis Lerner targeted TEA Party groups since 2009.  We now know this IRS targeting of Conservatives speaking against Obama affected hundreds of Conservative groups likely causing millions of grassroots activists to retreat from the wrath of the IRS.  This targeting helped usher in another Obama presidency; the perfect strategy to crush Conservatives had abundant schemes and emails not been uncovered!

     If Americans can’t see the writing on the wall, the hate speech in the speech, they are happy progressives,  or disconnected from current events and are not concerned about America’s future, or they are awake and mad as a swatted bumblebee that the President is not fulfilling his oath to execute the law and, instead, is rewriting it.  The oath, so help him God, is to uphold the Constitution!

     We have an election this November.  We can vote blindly on party lines or we have can sweep out the 10% approval rated Congress.  America is our responsibility and we have the power to send those lawmaker breakers obstructing America’s progress packing!  I encourage and challenge every American citizen this 4th of July to double down on their patriotism and love for traditional America by participating in the upcoming election before the progressive utopian revisionist steal all our freedom and give it to the citizens of the world.

     Happy Independence Day!  Pray and act so we can keep it!


Mario diGesu                                            Truth or Consequences   NM                                   7.3.14

Monday, May 12, 2014

No News Is Good News

No News Is Good News

     Most of us have heard the saying ‘no news is good news’.   That must mean a lot of news is bad news and, indeed, it seems to be for President Obama and the White House.   Whether it is the tragedy and mistruths of Benghazi or the targeting of Conservative TEA Party and Patriot groups by the IRS, this current administration just can’t get out of the news cycle with these scandals in spite of the mainstream media’s blind eye and effort to turn no news into good news.

     Many Liberals and Democrats feel these issues are pure politics and red meat for the Republican base kept alive by conservative media outlets like Fox news for the upcoming election.  They think the investigations are a waste of time and taxpayer money.  Perhaps, but what if there were lies, cover-ups, and targeting?  What if they want no news because there is real news there that would embarrass them and make their heroes culpable?  Wouldn’t you as an American want to know the facts?  I sure would.  And, I would want to see accountability and consequences if there were lies, cover-ups, and targeting. 

     America has risen to a pinnacle in world history because of God’s blessing and our principled way of life.  When we move away from Biblical and ethical principles that are the bedrock of our Constitution and exchange them for compromise and deception, there will be consequences as demonstrated by history.   If the media gives a pass to our leaders in favor of their desired narrative then we the people can easily be misled.   If we give a pass to the media, whether it is their commission or omission, we risk being deceived.   Consumers beware!

     If the news generated by the media, good or bad, no longer matters in America, does America matter?  What difference does it make?  We should not treat yellow press as if it is true journalism.   Let the facts come out and let Americans make up their own minds.  Bullying, shaming, and deceiving folks to believe no news is good news may be bad news.

Mario diGesu                                        Truth or Consequences                                                        NM   


Sunday, May 11, 2014




























Wednesday, April 9, 2014

IRS: Impair Republican Service @teapartypassion

                                                                   IRS: Impair Republican Service


     After watching Louis Lerner the retired head of the IRS tax-exempt division plead the 5th for the second time, I thought the IRS might actually stand for Impair Republican Service.  Although TEA Party  and other conservative groups targeted by the withholding of their tax-exempt status were not necessarily Republicans, the intent was clear; Louis Lerner, the prior head of the Federal Election Commission before being the head of the tax-exempt division of the IRS, was on a mission to hobble conservatives for the two years prior to the 2012 election which, I believe, contributed to President Obama’s surprising victory.

     Louis Lerner is not your average IRS agent.  As a prior head of the Federal Election Commission, she sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s.  She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles and never won a case but her stellar performance seemed to help her land her infamous IRS job where she continued to persecute conservative groups.  Between April 2010 and April 2012, the IRS essentially placed on hold the processing of nearly 300 applications for tax-exemption status received from organizations with "Tea Party," "patriots," or "9/12" in their names while approving left-leaning applications without the same delay or probing questions. 

     Why not tell the truth if you are innocent?  Why plead the 5th?   Evidently, it appears Lerner was indeed on a mission and was using her position to manipulate political outcomes.  Perhaps there is a connection between Lerner and former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman?  Shulman, more than any other cabinet member, visited the White House at least 118 times during the targeting of TEA party groups.   If this lawless targeting proves to rise to the level of the White House, heads should roll just like President Richard Nixon’s did when he was impeached impart for using the IRS to target political enemies.

      Don’t let the IRS impair you!  If you believe you are Taxed Enough Already and there is more than a smidgeon of corruption in our government, stand up, speak your mind, and join TEA party groups across America on Tax Day, Tuesday April 15th .


Mario diGesu                             Truth or Consequences    NM                             4.8.14


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reset Button

     Amazing!  I just listened to President Obama on the news speaking to the Europeans how they are in a tough spot right now in regards to meeting their energy and security needs in part because they have grown reliant on Russia and have not diversified their energy sources.   Unfortunately, America is dependent on foreign energy as well.   The “drill baby drill” party has been preaching energy independence the last 6 years but their message has fallen on deaf ears, until now.   As we see the reset button Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed with Russia fail, Obama is finally becoming ‘more flexible’ and talking more about exporting U.S. energy.

     The Keystone pipeline, new drilling technology, and increased drill permitting have all been met with incredible resistance from the Obama administration, his lockstep democrat party, and his radical environmental supporters.  Billions of dollars have been pumped into renewable energy sources like solar and wind but there have been no detectable benefits.  In fact, billions of dollars have been lost from these energy companies going bankrupt after getting huge loans from the American taxpayers.   

     My own electric bill has soared over the past few months and gas has topped $3.50 again!   Perhaps, if the Obama administration was not so opposed to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas we would not be seeing such high heating costs and gasoline prices.  We would actually have an advantage over these non-friendly energy producers like Russia right now had we diversified.

          Got gas?  America does!  America has incredible natural resources that we are not harvesting and using because the folks leading us have this utopian vision of the world that is not practical.   Many of them are financially secure so paying extra at the pump or on their heating bill does not really affect them as is does the majority of Americans.  We need to start using commonsense solutions and not allow this powerful progressive agenda run our nation into the ground.  I say drill baby drill and let’s press our own reset buttons at the voting booth in 2014!

Mario diGesu                             Truth or Consequences   NM                                          3.26.14

Friday, March 7, 2014

Obama’s America

Obama’s America

     Film producer Dinesh D’Souza, a ‘renegade conservative’, was recently indicted for election campaign finance fraud charges.   Is this a coincidence?  He may or may not be guilty.  What is known is that Dinesh D’Souza is a political enemy of President Barrack Hussein Obama because he produced the surprise hit and highest grossing documentary ‘Obama’s America 2016’ that came out just before the 2012 elections.

     D’Souza made three predictions at the end of his movie.  First, he predicted Obama would not do anything significant to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and he hasn’t.  The most recent negotiations have stalled as centrifuges continue to spin.    Russia, an ally of Iran in its nuclear program development and supporter at the United Nations, senses Obama’s weakness.  As we watch Russia waltz into Ukraine with military forces without fear, we have to wonder about the United States diminishing influence on the world stage.

     Second, D’Souza predicted that Obama would spend money like the deficit did not matter and he has.  In fact, every year, Obama has increased the debt by one trillion dollars.  The U.S. debt is now over 17 trillion dollars.  This huge debt is a global redistribution of wealth to other nations, many who are not friends of America.

     Third, D’Souza predicted that Obama would cut defense and increase taxes.  Secretary of State Chuck Hagel just announced the White House plan to severely cut back defense spending. Obama himself is asking for cuts in defense and increases in taxes in his new budget. 

     I would say that is three for three, a trifecta, according to current events.  I believe the accuracy of D’Souza’s forecast has made him the perfect conservative political target as they try to extinguish his voice, just like the IRS did with TEA Party conservatives.  The question is how did this guy, a foreign student from Mumbai, India, that eventually became a U.S. citizen and a college president, get it right?   Well, you will have see the movie at our next TEA Party meeting, rent or buy the movie, or go online and watch it for free to find out. 

Mario diGesu                              Truth or Consequences                     New Mexico                 



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cap and Trade

                                                             Cap and Trade
     One of the first of many failed policies of President Obama and his New Democrat Party was Cap and Trade.   It passed the Democrat house but stalled and died in the Democrat senate.  Instead of focusing on getting the economy back on track in 2008, they focused on Cap and Trade, an un-stimulating Stimulus, and an unaffordable failing Healthcare Act.
      Cap and Trade is basically a government takeover of companies by regulating their carbon emissions.  Companies produce a ‘carbon footprint’ and the bigger the footprint the more they would have to pay to operate.  Supposedly, this would reduce pollution and create revenue that our rulers would eventually let trickle back down to us….yeah right!  Even Obama said an inconvenient truth, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket!”
       How the Democrats didn’t ram Cap and Trade through when they controlled the Senate and the House is a political miracle for freedom loving Americans!  Liberal emotionally loaded names like ‘save the planet’, ‘global warming’, and ‘income inequality’ were employed to soften our hearts but the intent was to control and step all over us with their big government boot.  Frankly, I am tired of seeing the Constitution and middleclass Americans trampled underfoot.
        As a concerned citizen of the United States, I would like to put forward my own Cap and Trade  Plan;  come November 2014 every freedom loving American be registered to vote and bring two other registered freedom loving Americans with you to the polls aiming to clean up the political pollution in D.C..   We can CAP Obama’s ability to pass more harmful laws his last two years by TRADING those that voted in lockstep for these failed policies.  With new freedom loving Americans representing us, we can walk the walk and not the plank!  
     In closing, I think the footprint that really matters to most of us right now is the one on each of these rascals’ behinds as they pack their bags and head out of Washington come November!
Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                            2.12.14

Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Blood

New Blood

     I had the privilege of hearing a young man from Las Cruces by the name of David Clements speak at a rather large gathering of concerned Sierra County Citizens on Monday .  It was refreshing to see so many folks interested in hearing what Mr. Clements, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, had to say.

     I liked his reference point, the Constitution of the United States, which many of our politicians swear to uphold but probably have not studied or even read it from cover to cover. (They tend to not read important things, like the Obamacare Health Bill, but they should!)  The Constitution is a short read and is PACKED with common sense logic to guide our nation into the future; applause for Mr. Clements for using the Constitution as a guide and compass.

     Mr. Clements has conservative values which I think our country greatly needs.  It seems we are in a ‘progressive’ freefall of anything goes.  Standards, morals, and ethics that guide our leaders’ decision making and their lifestyles are ‘loose’.   Frankly this ‘fundamental transformation of America’, this journey from the middle ground to the far left in politics and government, scares the heck out me.  One only needs to have watched how Obamacare deceptively got pushed through all the branches of government, how promises were made and not kept, and how the cost of this mad progressive social experiment is hurting  Americans.

         Leadership matters!  Let’s educate ourselves this election cycle on the candidates.  What are their values and what will they use to guide their leadership decisions?  Let’s voice our convictions with our vote this November after we have thoroughly evaluated the person’s resume and voting record.  Ultimately, America is OUR responsibility. 

     Mr. Clements said several times he is applying for this Senate  job and we would be his boss.  It is evident he desires to serve and not be served.  America needs a service-minded transfusion of new blood.   With a sincerity to serve, a passion for common sense, and a commitment to the Constitution, we can improve our future and the future prospects of our children.

Mario diGesu                                                Truth or Consequences    NM                                   1.22.2014