Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lame Duck Dynasty ........................................... Happy New Year!!!!.......@teapartypassion

Lame Duck Dynasty

     Feathers are flying as we have watched Obama’s dictatorial ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ fall out of the sky after a miserable rollout,  a botched website, rising premiums, rising co-pays, rising deductibles, and hidden taxes.  Americans are finally seeing the true colors of a bill that had to pass before we got to see what was in it!  The President and his Party of Woe are now trying to duck the ever changing ‘law’ that trampled the Constitution to bring socialized medicine to America.

     Just one year into Obama’s second term we see a very bullish lame duck over a dynasty that is appalling to most Americans.  Instead of taking an apologetic,  humble, and bipartisan tone, he continues to defiantly poke his finger in the eye of those opposed to his rule.  It is akin to giving half of America the bird!  If I had just lied to 6 million plus independent middle class Americans about keeping their doctor and health plan, when I knew it wasn’t going to happen, to win an election, I would tone down the rhetoric a notch or two.

     And let us not forget the Obamacare ducklings, the Democrat controlled Senate and House, who waddled behind Obama in lockstep for five years.  They need to be held accountable when the day of reckoning comes and they want our vote.  They will try to camouflage themselves with a vote or two bailing out those American’s who are now suffering or change talking points but, remember, their original votes got us into this mess!

     Concluding, how does one neutralize a lame duck and his dynasty?  We will have to turn off the TV ( no more American idle),  get off the couch, take some of our precious time, and talk to others about the issues.  We need to take action and get involved.  We need to turn our distrust, our angst, our concern for our country into a fireball of human energy and purpose that no progressive politician or occupier will want to stand in the way of us getting our country back on track.  And that, my friends, will be a great start to a new year!

 Mario diGesu          Truth or Consequences              New Mexico             12.31.13



Wednesday, December 11, 2013

“WILD PROMISES”...............@teapartypassion


     Has anyone ever made you a promise and went back on their word?  Or, have they gained your trust by being in agreement with your understanding only to change their mind and disagree with you later?  I have to admit this has happened to me several times in my life and it is always a challenge to cut through the bull, choose to reconcile the relationship, or let go and move on.
     The question is:  Is habitually breaking a promise or flip-flopping an accident or a strategy?  If an accident, it might happen once, maybe twice, and you can try to reconcile.  But, when you see a string of broken promises, you realize you are in a dysfunctional relationship and it may be time to cut the cord.

     President Obama and the Democrat Party have made promise after promise to the American people.  They have taken a strong position only to waver and falter when it was politically expedient. Obamacare’s  costly rollout reminds me of a dishonest dysfunctional relationship where one promises diamonds but  delivers plastic.  Their strategy after 7 years of Senate Democrat leadership and 5 years of White House leadership is becoming clear;  like drunks on a binge, they are racking up the credit card, promising more change down the road, and delivering more of the same, sometimes worse.  It is evident we are codependents in this relationship with big government.  Unfortunately, they are leaving Americans with a trail of financial, emotional, and physical devastation that our children and grandchildren will inherit, perpetuating the dysfunctional cycle for years to come.

     Do we want our fate in the hands of deceptive habitual liars?   Do we want servant hood  or  ‘selfie’ hood from our politicians?   It is time for Americans to end this dysfunctional relationship with these so called leaders that are intoxicated with their own status, power, and desires.   We can choose codependency or we can work toward our own future and freedom.  We need to end the cycle of broken promises and flip flops at the ballot box in 2014.   Wild promises that are broken should have consequences!

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                                  12.11.13

Sunday, December 8, 2013

America on My Mind......@teapartypassion

  A very special post for my blog buddies.  Each year I pick out a photo and make  them into Christmas cards.  This is the card I made this year and you are the very first to see it....don't you feel special?  I hope your Christmas season is  full of Comfort and Joy and Blessing                                   beyond compare!                                                                                                                                    
       Christmas is spelled backward...kinda....is Mas Christ....you can't   go wrong with More Christ in your life!          mario                                                                                                                               
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD. @teapartypassion

Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD.

     As President Obama tirelessly attended his west coast democrat fundraisers for up to $32,000.00 a plate, responsible middleclass Americans like me lost their promised healthcare coverage.   Over 5 million Americans have been radically affected by the supposed unintended consequences that Obamacare has imposed.  Obama said his sorry to us poor folk who have received notices after he promised we could keep our health coverage and doctors, PERIOD.  But, an apology just doesn’t seem quite sufficient for someone interjecting themselves into my healthcare needs, promising to make it better, taking away my choice, and making it is worse.

     Why is the government interfering with my decisions that would govern my health?  Surely this president would go out of his way during the 2012 elections touting a false ‘war on women’  to stir up his base and declare women have the right to make decisions that affect their healthcare on every level, even if they choose the destruction of a new life within.  Why should I be any less empowered to make my own healthcare decisions on every level? 

     I am self employed and have a health savings account which I painstakingly researched and finally chose a plan best suited to my needs and finances.  With Obamacare, my choice was disregarded as I received the robocall  and the letter from my insurance company that due to the Affordable Healthcare Act my plan would no longer be offered.  I have to begin the whole process over now because of government interference, which they say is for my benefit because I do not know what is good for my health.  And they do?   

     Obama won the popular vote with less than 5 million votes in 2012.  If his scheme to take away our healthcare choices had been fully revealed that October, the election would have had a different outcome.  We will remember this political trickery by the democrat party  in the 2014 election.  May freedom loving Americans peacefully rise up and say no to this war on our freedom and no to Obamacare with our voice and our vote!  Repeal Obamacare, PERIOD.

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                              11.27.13


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

S.O.S America! @teapartypassion

                                                                  S.O.S America!

     The flagship Obamacare  seems less like a train wreck and more like the unsinkable sinkable Titanic.  Titanic means gigantic and the Obamatanic is no doubt gigantic; thousands upon thousands of pages of regulation overseen by Failed First Mate Sebelius. 
     The opulent Obamatanic  included only the finest offerings for its passengers; coverage of preexisting conditions, insurance for toddlers at 26, free preventive services, free contraceptives, low premiums, and you could keep your plan and provider, PERIOD!   The ship of hope and change was here!  Healthcare was no longer a privilege but a right.
        President Obama, Captain of the Obamatanic, pushed at maximum speeds through resistant political waters to bring us the Affordable Healthcare Act.  His legacy legislation was jammed through the Democrat controlled Senate and House.  To allay the fears of passengers, they were told, “We must pass the bill before we know what is in it.”  Meanwhile, on shore, doubting TEA Party activist and Republicans stood their ground for commonsense free market principles and have been warning Americans for 4 years now of the lurking peril.
      Peril arrived in October with the first iceberg; the failed website rollout.   Reckless leadership, poor planning, and unintended consequences have brought more chaos.   Over 5 million Americans have lost their healthcare coverage and possibly their healthcare providers even though they were promised they could keep both.  But, a promise on a sinking ship does not have much value!   Although Captain Obama voiced an apology for the casualties, it was actually part of the original Democrat scheme that up to 90 million privately insured Americans would lose their policies and be forced onto government exchanges. 
      The true tragedy is that this is an orchestrated ship wreck by folks that want America’s healthcare system to go down.  Socialist are no respecter of persons, professions, or plans.  They collapse systems to increase their control and power base.  Venezuelans took a similar boat ride with socialist Captain Hugo Chavez and their country is now ship wrecked.
      Oceans of promises, deceptive iceberg lies, corrupt captains, system failures, and dubious navigators…what else could go wrong?    S.O.S America!   

Mario diGesu                                              Truth or Consequences                                               11.20.13

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lip Service @teapartypassion

                                                                       Lip Service

          We have heard since we where children that actions speak louder than words.  When our words over take our actions, which frequently happens with politicians, we call this lip service.
     As we recognize and honor our veterans on Veteran’s Day, we know men and women whose actions spoke louder than words with their dedication and commitment in service to America.  Some have made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives willingly for their fellow Americans so that Freedom would prevail.
  Last year in Benghazi, Libya, four brave Americans made that sacrifice for Freedom.  As other brave and selfless Americans were ready to rush into harm’s way and come to their rescue, a stand down order from above was mysteriously given.  In a rather long battle with no assistance, the Benghazi consulate was eventually over-run by Al Qaeda linked militants and four Americans were killed.   President Obama swore then to bring the perpetrators to justice, yet they still roam free.

     A few weeks ago I witnessed something almost as horrific but not in some foreign land.     In Washington D.C., not too far from Obama’s home, veterans were barricaded from seeing open air monuments during the government shutdown.  Many of these veterans had traveled long hours and spent a lot of money to visit the memorials and pay their respect, perhaps for their last time.  Armed riot police in full gear in a show of force were purposefully dispatched to keep  those veterans out.   The  veterans, at great personal risk , many elderly and in wheelchairs, proceeded through the barricades.  
     If there was ever a more appropriate time for a stand down order from the mysterious powers above, it was now!  But, the order never came.  The Commander and Chief could have picked up a phone and said, “Let them in”, but, the order never came.  The Commander and Chief who gave multiple campaign speeches on the value of veterans was silent.  This, my friends, is what we call lip service.

     Tell a veteran today that you value their service and, more importantly, live a life of gratitude, appreciation, and action.

Mario diGesu                                        Truth or Consequences    NM                          November 6, 2013




Monday, October 28, 2013

Trick or Treat? ............................................................. @teapartypassion

Trick or Treat?

     Happy Halloween!  How appropriate that the Obama Care roll out in October is such a nightmare.  Socialism, in any of its forms, sounds good in theory and on the campaign trail, but the reality is rather scary.

     President Obama appealed to the majority of Americans with a nicely carved pumpkin called the Affordable Healthcare Act.  What reasonable American does not want affordable healthcare?

It certainly looked good on the outside with the warm glow of hope inside.  But, we are finding out, it is hollow!  The promises are empty.  It was a socialist ploy to appeal to our needs but eventually leave us enslaved and wanting.   

     All the goodies were forthcoming; millions of Americans reached into the campaign promise bag and pulled out sugary insurance for children up to age 26, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and preventive services like contraception (forget the exercise programs!).  Thirty million uninsured could reach in and endlessly pull out free healthcare.   No one realized that someone actually had to pay for the goodies in the bag.  Guess what American middleclass voter, that be you!

     Premiums and co-pays are skyrocketing!  Coverage is being dropped because not even the insurance companies can afford to pay for the endless bag of goodies!  With dropped coverage, we may not have our doctors!   In addition, the demonized doctors may be hanging up their stethoscopes in frustration having to deal with uncertain payments and more government regulations.

     The ghosts and goblins that wreak havoc on America’s working middle class vanish after the damage is done.  They do not take the blame.  They are not held accountable.  They point their crooked fingers at everyone else and then disappear into the darkness….laughing.

     Speaking of ghosts, I recently read an Op-Ed by Wayne Allyn Root called ‘The Ghost of Columbia University.’  He graduated the same year from Columbia Law School as
Barak Hussein Obama.  He, nor any of his classmates, remember the now famous President Obama and college records are sealed like a tomb!  Now that is spooky! 
     America, think trick the next time the non-transparent ghost of the White House says he has some treats!  


Mario diGesu          @teapartypassion    Truth or Consequences           NM                10.27.13

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST CONTINUED…........................................ .....@teapartypassion

     Let’s see, where were we, oh yeah, we were on test number three:  Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 
    First, when government shuts down because one of its branches and its citizens did not perceive goodwill and better friendship there is a problem.   Obama and most Democrats feel they won the election, they are the majority, they rule; that is democracy.   But, believe it or not, on this issue we currently have a functioning Republic as prescribed by our Constitution where the minority has representation in the legislative process which maintains a balance of power with the other branches.   Goodwill can be reestablished as the branches work together for the benefit of ALL Americans.  And, we tend to befriend and work better with nice people, not overbearing bullies!
     Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  With Obamacare, the uninsured are definitely getting a good deal; subsidized is great and free is awesome!   But, the rest of us are seeing our old plans being dropped by our insurance companies and new plans being offered at higher premiums and co-pays to offset the free care for the uninsured.  This is hardly beneficial to all concerned.
     So, does Obamacare pass the FOUR WAY TEST?  My perspective is that it deserves a failing grade.  It makes perfect sense that we see it failing before our eyes in its implementation.  It was ill conceived and is in clear violation of Constitutional and American values of freedom and fair taxation with representation.   
     The real kicker is that some are cheating on the test!  Who wouldn’t want something as wonderful as Obamacare?  The originators and enforcers of this law have exempted themselves and privileged others from this most excellent healthcare law.  Why?  Might  it affect their health?  Their freedom to choose?  Their wallet?  Their political future?  Their life expectancy? 
      This law is not for the mutual benefit of all Americans.  It is for the Democrat controlled government to gain control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy, solidify their voting base as it adds 48 million uninsured voters, and exempt themselves from its consequences. 

Mario diGesu                                         Truth or Consequences                                                10.9.13

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

THE FOUR WAY TEST.............................................................@teapartypassion


     There is an ethical challenge called THE FOUR WAY TEST:  1)  Is it the Truth?  2)  Is it fair to all concerned?  3)  Will it build good will and better friendships? 4)  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  It is sort of a sniff test for things that come our way in life and, in turn, a good challenge for us in how we treat others.  Does Obama Care pass THE FOUR WAY TEST?

      Has Obama Care’s origination and implementation been truthful?  It originated with a lot of D.C back door wheeling and dealing.   Some elected officials lost their positions in 2010 because folks like the TEA Party were outraged at the corruption.  It was called a fine because we were campaign pinky promised by President Obama that our taxes would not go up.  But, as the case rose to the level of the Supreme Court, we found out three years later it was a tax hiding in ‘fine’ clothing!  Justice Roberts, casting the final vote in favor of Obama Care, tried to teach Americans a life lesson by stating, “Elections have consequences.”  And, its implementation has been plagued with more back room waver deals for politicians, unions, and big business.

     Is it fair to all concerned?   Most would think healthcare for all sounds fair; what evil person would not want that?  So, with a two thousand page bill and thousands more pages of regulation written on the fly, our democrat controlled government imposed their utopian concept of healthcare on millions of Americans who were already responsible enough to have their own.  One Republican Congressman and one Republican Senator voted for Obama Care so it was not fair bipartisanship.  In addition, they asked those millions of responsible insured Americans to pay for the 35 million uninsured.    Redistribution is not fair when you are forced to take your hard earned dollar out of your pocket and share it with others that may not be contributing their fair share.  It sounds mean but the issue is fairness.

     Two more tests to go.  To be continued.

Mario diGesu                                          Truth or Consequences                                                    10.2.13


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

di Gesu’

     I just received my first piece of hate mail and the author of the letter had my last name in bold and highlighted as above.  Why?  My best guess is that my last name means ‘of Jesus’ in Sicilian and they were trying to send the message that my recent letters to the editor were racist, unchristian, and that I had failed the expectations of my last name. 

     I don’t view their discouragement, hate, and opinions as bad.  Hello, this is America! I do see them as a badge of honor.  I have been a Christian since my early teens and my common core is Christianity and its life changing, life giving message.  My last name is a badge of honor and I am glad it is there for all to see.

     Jesus did not take much guff from the religious and political peers of His day.  The Pharisees, Sadducees, and immoral Roman leadership of His time were no match for His wisdom and insight into humanity.  He spoke truth as He saw it and was not always gentle, meek, and mild.  He did not candy coat His message of God’s plan for man.  He spoke out against the dangerous practices of the culture of His day.

     Now, believe me, I am no Jesus!  I may not be the most diplomatic and eloquent writer, but, as my America is demoralized and fundamentally changed before my eyes, as it moves from a Christian culture to a relative immoral progressive secular culture, I will not be quiet and I will not back down!

     It is time for all Christians (Hello Church!) to unite and not only hold the ultimate red line that Jesus gave His life for but to push back and reclaim the family, life, and culture that has been trampled on by folks that do not care about the end but only the means, their pursuit of self.  Our calling is not to be meek and mild bystanders in life.  Our calling is to stand up for Jesus and our mission is to share His message, the whole message, with all of humanity.  As we answer the call,  He does not entitle us, He empowers us!

Mario diGesu                                                 Truth or Consequences                                                  9.24.13

Monday, September 9, 2013

We Remember 9/11............................................................@teapartypassion

We Remember 9/11

     Millions of Americans take to the streets and rally for different causes; 
Martin Luther King Day, Raza Day, Homosexual Day, Macey’s Day Parade,
and a purported Million Muslim March in D.C. this  9/11 that changed its name
to Million American March after some well deserved sour press.

     Lest we forget 9/11/2001, America witnessed an unprecedented attack on its
soil killing thousands of Americans.   Lest we forget 9/11/2011, America witnessed
an attack on a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi Libya where four brave Americans
were murdered. 
      Patriot’s Day, born out of 9/11, is Wednesday.  Americans will hopefully be
rallying for the cause of America instead of just their own slice of the American pie.   
As a tribute to America and her patriotshere is a poem song from my 9/12 Project:





     We must never forget the sacrifice of our American Patriots!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welfare Gone Wild ! @teapartypassion ................................................... google 'song 17 trillion by Mario diGesu'

Welfare Gone Wild!

     Did you ever watch ‘Women Gone Wild’?  No?  Good, apart from unashamed excess and compromised values, this has nothing to do with it!  And this is not about a war on women either; my mom is a woman!  And she would put me in my place if I declared war!  This is about the unashamed excess and willful abuse of social welfare programs like food stamps that have gone wild under President Obama.  This is about overflowing food baskets, coconuts, steaks, lobster and sushi at the taxpayer expense.

     Food stamps, now the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), should be re-named and re-regulated as ENAP; Essential Nutrition Assistance Program.   Instead, SNAP went from 25 billion dollars under President Bush to 47 billion under Obama.  On July 12, 2012,  four months before the election,  with the ‘snap’ of his finger, Obama issued an executive order gutting the welfare reforms accomplished by Clinton and the Republican Congress.   Perhaps one can buy more than coconuts with food stamps!

   Social welfare program expansion, like SNAP, is the liberal progressive march towards socialism; a hop, skip, and jump away from communism where government expansion means power!  So what is so bad about communism?  Obama was raised and mentored by communist and he is a cool guy.  He even became the president of the greatest nation on earth!  My point; government expansion means power! And the people liked Obama so much they reelected him!  My point; government expansion means power!  And he really cares about the suffering and hungry children!  No, he cares about acquiring power by government expansion!

     Instead of welfare and government gone wild, I would like to see freedom go wild!  Freedom to innovate, freedom to create, freedom to not be over-regulated to the Nth degree, and freedom to not be burdened with a job killing healthcare mandate and high taxes that are creating uncertainty for employers!    Government needs to get out of the pantries and off the backs of the American job creators and let everyone be prosperous once again!  Prosperity, self-reliance, work ethics, faith, and freedom will ultimately put food back on the table, not the government!

Mario diGesu                                                   Truth or Consequences                                                  9.1.13

Thursday, August 22, 2013

'How do you like them Coconuts!'......................................................................@teapartypassion....................................semioriginal song "17 Trillion" @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/17-trrrrilliion!!-single/id636938802

                                                        How do you like them Coconuts! 

     My last letter drew some praise, ire, and even some fire; it evidently struck a nerve.  The Editor of the Herald even changed my title from ‘Cornucopia’ to ‘Welfare Recipients’ and put an exhausting leftist letter after mine which inspired a ‘nap’.  The fact is the food stamp program, known as SNAP, has exponentially blossomed under Obama and is costing humble, some indignant,  American taxpayers billions of dollars.   Albeit my contribution is miniscule, per one reader, the money is not falling out of coconut trees; someone is paying for it!

      Some took offense that I described the young Latino couple at the store making a rather large yummy SNAP purchase.  I was accused of racially profiling and passing judgment.  Although my letter could have stood on its own without mentioning race, I was describing what I saw and questioning aloud what most folk are just thinking.  I guess I need some sensitivity training.  

     Some want to make this about racial profiling, my greed, and lack of compassion.  It is more about right and wrong, about values and ethics.  It is about not accepting handouts forever, but becoming independent American  Americans.  It is about not taking advantage of your fellow Americans.  When we start cloaking the truth in political and social correctness, we won’t be able to fix the problems we face nor contain an obese food stamp program that doubled under Obama. 


     My indignation is that this country is going into debt for nonessential wants.  My indignation is that most of us think carefully about our food purchases while others swipe a SNAP card for steaks and a coconut on our dime.  I bemoan the lack of accountability that will eventually bring this country down.   I bemoan that we will perish for lack of knowledge, awareness, and ACTION.    Shame on me for drawing attention to what I saw?  No, shame on those that take advantage.  And shame on us if we close our eyes and do not speak up when we see something that is wrong whether those involved be Red or Yellow, Black or White, and, yes, even Brown!


Mario diGesu                                           Truth or Consequences                                 8.18.13


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Cornucopia"................................................. @teapartypassion .............................................semioriginal itune tune "17 Trillion": https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mario-digesu/id636939139


     Ever get stuck in a slow checkout  line at Walmart?  No fun!  But I did have an opportunity to observe a young Hispanic/latino couple with an infant in front of me.
     Their basket was full to the brim, almost flowing over.  The food looked delicious;  a wide variety of products,  some for baby, but mostly edibles, even packages of steak.  There was even a coconut!  It reminded me of the images of cornucopia at Thanksgiving, the horn shaped basket brimming with mouthwatering edibles.  I thought to myself, “I am glad I am not paying that bill!” 

     It took a long time for the clerk to make it through all their groceries.  I had 3  humble bananas and 2 small, very small, ears of corn.  I was wishing I had gone to the speedy checkout.  But,  I observed something very interesting.  The young gal pulled out a credit card and gave it a swipe.  But there was a glitch.  The clerk went over the receipt and found that one of the items was being “rejected”.   One of the packages of steak was not accepted by the food stamp debit card. They had to return the package.  But, not too bad, a whole basketful of plenty was magically paid!

     At that moment, I thought about the $1400.00 tax bill I just paid because the IRS was threatening seizure of my property, perhaps my home.  I thought to myself, “There is no magic dummy, you just witnessed a food stamp purchase and, if you consider where your taxes go, you paid for that!”  I wondered if the young couple was employed?  I wondered if they were married or just shacking up and taking advantage of a favored single mother welfare system?  I wondered if they had hopes and dreams of being off food stamps and being productive Americans one day?  I wondered if they were at all grateful that I, a hardworking taxpayer, along with all the other hardworking taxpaying fools, just paid for their cornucopia of groceries? I wondered how great that coconut was going to taste when they opened it!

Mario diGesu                                 Truth or Consequences                                     8.7.13

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Defund Obama Scare!"...........................................................@teapartypassion..............................................original tune "17 Trillion!" @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mario-digesu/id636939139

Defund Obama Scare!

     I don’t go out of my way to watch horror movies.  The gore, all gore, the darkness, the helplessness of the victims just doesn’t do anything for me.  In fact, it keeps me up at night, kind of like now!

     Obamacare, the unaffordable healthcare act is scary alright!  This monstrosity is transforming everything about healthcare and job security.   None of the progressive liberal densocrats took the time to think about the CONSEQUENCES.  In fact, they did not even take the time to read the two thousand page bill because, according to Congresswomen Pelosi, we needed to pass it first to see what was in it; like we need to open a coffin to know what is inside? 
     Well, the devil is in the details and the ghouls and goblins are starting to pop out of Obamacare’s body like in the movie ‘Aliens’.  And they want to push through an immigration bill!  No thank you!  I think we have had enough aliens for one presidency.
     There are several websites on defunding Obamacare.  Call your representatives and sound off!  In addition to driving a stake through the heart of this law by defunding it, every single senator and congressional representative that voted for this deceptive beast should be cast out by our vote.  Thirty three senators and all congressional seat holders that voted for healthcare overhaul should vanish.  Our vote is our scream; scream loud!
     This administration is messing with the beloved middle class they always speak so sweetly about in order to conduct their mad scientist utopian experiments.  They are messing with us when they pass laws to improve our condition that are making us stressed and sick.  Everyone is getting a ‘get out of Obamacare card’ except the working middle class.  It is like being in a bad dream where everyone else can get away except you.  I say defund this nightmare, go back to square one, and use some common sense when drafting the next bill.  Maybe even getting some input from medical providers and the 84% of Americans that were happily insured prior might be helpful.

Mario diGesu                                  Truth or Consequences                                                  7.30.13  


Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Polident".......................................................@teapartypassion..............................................Original tune called "17Trillion!" https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mario-digesu/id636939139


I believe polident means ‘many teeth’ but it could also mean ‘politics at dentist’ which reminds me of a funny story of why one should be careful when mixing politics with your next dental visit:  I went in with a cavity and left without a tooth!  I was telling my dentist why I needed to leave by certain time when a cavity inspection turned into a tooth extraction.  I mentioned I was sharing ‘Obama’s America’ at KBobs.  Several minutes went by and when I was in a head lock with the drill burrowing in my mouth my dentist chuckled, “You know….I voted for Obama!”  Well, of course the tooth needed to come out and we laughed about the moment, numb lip, drool, and all.

But, it reminds me that we need to discuss politics and religion.  To our detriment, politics and religion became taboo and sex, drugs, and rock and roll are now the norm.  Conservatives have swallowed too many nice pills that have sedated us while the progressives march ‘forward’ toward their vision of America which appears as a beautiful crown but decay is lurking underneath it.  For America’s health, the tooth may need to come out.

Well, the sedated giant has awoken.  From Tampa to Truth or Consequences and beyond, conservatives are starting to stand up for the vision of America that was laid out by our wise timeless constitutional founders.  We have that right to voice our ideas, protest, and not go with the current flow, especially when it’s beginning to look like Niagra Falls up ahead.  Why should conservatives be toothless?  (Unless you have just been talking politics with the dentist!)

This election is coming to a close.  By Tuesday this country will know which direction it will be heading.  We will learn again that elections have consequences.  Our vote is our voice.  Our speech is our freedom.  And our actions will lead us to our future.  If you are as concerned as I am for the future of America, I invite you to join our TEA Party gatherings at KBobs and get involved.  You may face some ridicule, perhaps even lose a tooth, but you will be glad you are participating, taking a stand, and making a difference!
Mario diGesu                                             Truth or Consequences                                      10.27.12

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR" ...................................................................@teapartypassion


     Most of us have heard the saying a spoonful of sugar “helps” the medicine go down.  In Obama’s world a spoonful of sugar “makes” the medicine go down.  Obamacare was passed overwhelmingly by democrats in the house and senate, and the originator Obama, if he read the bill,  signed it into law March 23, 2010.

     The first year was all the sugar; preventive services, young adults stay on their parents insurance until they are 26 (more dependency training from the Left), more employer coverage with a focus on contraceptives, and insurers having to accept preexisting conditions.  Some of these are good benefits but I I think we all can agree that insurance companies could have been encouraged to make some of these changes themselves without a government takeover (what happened to free markets?).

     Now it is time for our medicine cleverly timed after the election;  canceled insurance policies because the insurance companies can’t afford the coverage, rising premiums including those little bundles of joy up to age 26, employers straining to stay afloat under harsh economic conditions, religious institutions and businesses with morals, like Hobby Lobby, forced to compromise their beliefs (where is the separation of church and state I always hear some people squawking about?), multiple tax increases on things like medical devices, a fine if you don’t have insurance, and the list goes on and on.

     I love sugar and I’ll take medicine when I need to but I don’t like either crammed down my throat!  And I do believe this is the worst medicine I have ever tasted!  The TEA Party arose in 2010 because in part of Obamacare and this hideous takeover of the private sector.  May the TEA Party rise again in 2014 to fix the problems we are having in America instead of medicating it.  Thirty three senate seats and 435 house of representative seats will be available to install patriotic, concerned, honest, courageous, selfless, and intelligent Americans to a body that is as sick as I’ve ever seen it.  America needs our help!  Americans need to start caring more, stand up, and get involved or we may be facing the last stages of the greatest Constitutional Republic the world has ever seen.

Mario diGesu                                               Truth or Consequences                                            1.9.13